MakingYourOwnCheese - (EPUB全文下载)

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Title Page
Cheese: The Miracle Food
How Cheese is Made
Milk, Starters and Other Ingredients
Cheese-making Equipment
Basic Cheese-making
Hard Cheeses
Soft Cheeses
Blue Cheese
Goats Cheese
European Cheeses
British Cheeses
Manufactured Cheeses
Cooking with Cheese
Cheese for Sweets
Common Cheese-making Problems
As a child I used to be sent to the shops for what was then termed ‘cooking cheese’. It was a kind of Cheddar: slightly hard, full-fat, strongly flavoured, ideal for melting. It was twenty years before I realised I was eating strong Cheddar. What my mother termed ‘eating cheese’ was Cheshire, which was crumbly. We never saw Stilton or Danish; you simply couldn’t buy those in inner-city Manchester.

Thankfully, the arrival of a supermarket opened a new world of opportunities for cheese. We were suddenly exposed to Roqueforts, ricottas, wonderful Edams and Gruyères. Cheese lost its mystique for us, and while it became more commonplace, at the same time certain types remained grand and desired.
Even today, we still don’t really understand cheese. We like flavours and textures – like many wine-drinkers we ‘know what we like’ – but the step from buying cheese in a supermarket to making your own remains a pretty daunting prospect for most people.
And yet, making cheese is one of those things that, fo ............

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