DiaryOfAWimpyKid08-HardLuck - (EPUB全文下载)

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Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Hard Luck Jeff Kinney To Charlie MarchMondayMom’s always saying that friends will come and go but family is forever. Well, if that’s true, I could be in for a rough ride.I mean, I love my family and all, but I’m just not sure we were meant to LIVE together. Maybe it’ll be better later on when we’re all in different houses and only see each other on holidays, but right now things are just a little dicey.I’m surprised Mom’s always pushing the “family” message, since she and her sisters don’t really get along. Maybe she thinks if she keeps repeating it to me and my brothers, then we’ll come out different. But if I was her, I wouldn’t hold my breath.I think Mom is just trying to make me feel better about my situation with Rowley anyway. Rowley’s been my best friend ever since he moved into my neighborhood, but things have really changed between ours recently.And it’s all because of a GIRL.Believe me, the last person in the world I ever thought would get a girlfriend was ROWLEY.I always thought I’D be the one in a relationship and Rowley would be the guy everyone kind of have felt sorry for.I guess I’ve got to give Rowley some credit for actually finding a girl who likes him. But I don’t have to be HAPPY about it.Back in the good old days, it was just me and Rowley, and we hung out and did whatever we wanted. If we felt like blowing bubbles in our chocolate milk at lunch, then that’s exactly what we did.But now that there’s a girl in the picture, things are TOTALLY different.Wherever Rowley is, his girlfriend Abigail is, too. And even if she ISN’T there, it SEEMS like she is. I invited Rowley to my house for a sleepover last weekend so the two of ours could spend some time together, but after about two hours I gave up trying to have any fun.And when the two of them are in the same place, it’s even worse. Ever since Rowley and Abigail got together, it’s like Rowley doesn’t even have his own OPINIONS anymore.I was hoping this would’ve all blown over by now and things would be back to normal, but there’s no sign of this ending anytime soon.If you asked me, it’s ALREADY gone too far. I’ve started noticing little changes in Rowley, like the way he combs his hair and the clothes he wears. And I GUARANTEE you, Abigail is behind all of it.But I’M the one who’s been best friends with Rowley all these years, so if anyone has the right to change him, it’s ME.I just don’t get how you can go from being someone’s best friend to getting kicked to the curb ............

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