ChildrenofHenryVIII - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Children of Henry VIII
Alison Weir
is dedicated to
all the children in my family:
At Carshalton,
John and Katherine Weir;
At Chesterfield,
David and Andrew Weir;
At Edinburgh,
Paul Masterton,
Stephen and Susan Scott;
At Kidderminster,
David and Peter Marston;
At Melbourne,
Gemma and Kevin Cullen;
At York,
Angus, Bruce and Douglas Weir.
I should like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me with this book, and particularly to Mr Michael Cameron, formerly Senoir Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, for his kindness in reading the manuscript and for giving me his professional views in Mary Tudor's confinements; this invaluable assistance enabled me to arrive at a convincing solution to the mystery surrounding Mary's two supposed pregnancies.
My grateful thanks are, as ever, also due to my wonderfully supportive editor, Jill Black, who suggested this project; to my equally supportive agent, Julian Alexander, whose enthusiasm and encouragement never flags; to Pascal Cariss, for all his hard work on the manuscript; and to Sophie Martin for her painstaking efforts to track down the illustrations.
Lastly, but not least, I owe special thanks to my husband and children, who have patiently borne the absence of a wife and mother over so many evenings and weekends, so that this book could be completed on schedule. Without their unfailing support, it would not have been possible.
This book is not a history of England during the troubled reigns of Edward VI, Jane Grey, Mary I and Elizabeth I, but a chronicle of the personal lives of four English sovereigns, and the relationships between them, during the period 1547 to 1558. When Henry VIII died in 1547, he left three highly intelligent children to succeed him in turn - Edward, Mary and Elizabeth, to be followed, if their lines failed, by the descendants of his sister Mary Tudor, one of whom was the ill-fated nine-days queen, Lady Jane Grey.
The relationships between the royal siblings were never easy ones for several reasons: all had very dissimilar characters, and while they took after their father in many ways, they had each inherited diverse characteristics from their mothers, who had been the first three of Henry VIII's six wives. Each child had spent its formative years in vastly different circumstances, and had enjoyed - or suffered - varying relations with its formidable father. Mary's mother had been suppla ............

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