CalltoArms - (EPUB全文下载)

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■ Preface to Call to Arms
■ A Madman's Diary
■ Kong Yiji
■ Medicine
■ Tomorrow
■ A Small Incident
■ The Story of Hair
■ Storm in a Teacup
■ My Old Home
■ The True Story of Ah Q
■ The Double Fifth Festival
■ The White Light
■ The Rabbits and the Cat
■ The Comedy of the Ducks
■ Village Opera
■ Preface to Call to Arms
When I was young I, too, had many dreams. Most of them I later forgot,
but I see nothing in this to regret. For although recalling the past may bring happiness, at
times it cannot but bring loneliness, and what is the point of clinging in spirit to lonely
bygone days? However, my trouble is that I cannot forget completely, and these stories stem
from those things which I have been unable to forget.
For more than four years I frequented, almost daily, a pawnshop and
pharmacy. I cannot remember how old I was at the time, but the pharmacy counter was exactly my
height and that in the pawnshop twice my height. I used to hand clothes and trinkets up to the
counter twice my height, then take the money given me with contempt to the counter my own
height to buy medicine for my father, a chronic invalid. On my return home I had other things
to keep me busy, for our physician was so eminent that he prescribed unusual drugs and
adjuvants: aloe roots dug up in winter, sugarcane that had been three years exposed to frost,
original pairs of crickets, and ardisia that had seeded... most of which were difficult to
come by. But my father's illness went from bad to worse until finally he died.
It is my belief that those who come down in the world will probably learn
in the process what society is really like. My eagerness to go to N— and study in the K—Academy
seems to have shown a desire to strike out for myself, escape, and find people of a different
kind. My mother had no choice but to raise eight dollars for my travelling expenses and say I
might do as I pleased. That she cried was only natural, for at that time the proper thing was
to study the classics and take the official examinations. Anyone who studied “foreign
subjects” was a social outcast regarded as someone who could find no way out and was
forced to sell his soul to foreign devils. Besides, she was sorry to part with me. But in
spite of all this, I went to N— and entered the K—Academy; and it was there that I learned of
the existence of phys ............

书籍《CalltoArms》 - 插图1


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