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More Praise for The Future of Freedom
“Zakaria’s provocative and wide-ranging book is eminently worth reading…. His book displays a kind of argumentation, grounded in history and political philosophy, of which there is precious little these days, particularly among opinion columnists.”—Foreign Affairs“Zakaria is a serious enough thinker and has produced a serious enough book to require serious attention.”—Gary Hart, The Washington Monthly“Brilliant…. Some books are too short…. Oh that The Future of Freedom had a seventh chapter.”—National Review“The Future of Freedom is one of the most important books on global political trends to appear in the past decade. Its sobering analysis has vital lessons for all of us concerned with freedom’s future in the world.”—Samuel Huntington“At once provocative and illuminating.”—Bernard Lewis“Fareed Zakaria, one of the most brilliant young writers, has produced a fascinating and thought-provoking book on the impact of Western constitutional principles on the global order.”—Henry Kissinger“In this incisive book, Fareed Zakaria asks searching questions and offers provocative answers. The Future of Freedom is an impressive contribution to our understanding of the crises of democracy that lie darkly ahead.”—Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.“Compelling…. An intelligent study on the compromises necessary to reach liberal democracy, and on the perils of maintaining it.”—Christian Science Monitor“A book with immense relevance for the immediate future of the Middle East.”—Salon Magazine“Thought-provoking and timely.”—Publishers Weekly“Fareed Zakaria covers an immense amount of ground in this eloquent examination of the varieties of freedom and democracy. Mastering the nuances of every corner of the world, discussing the critical (and virtually unexamined) problem of ‘illiberal democracy,’ analyzing what he correctly calls ‘the Great Exception’ of Islam, Zakaria forces us to think in new ways about values that Americans take for granted.”—Richard Holbrooke“This is a very thoughtful and intelligent book that is important for all Americans and for those who would make American policy. After all, what is more important than the real meaning of freedom and democracy? The book could not appear at a more appropriate time.”—Peter Jennings“Fareed Zakaria’s The Future of Freedom is a learned, tough-minded, and intellectually courageous warning that easy bromides about democracy, if taken as a literal guide to policy, could make the world a more dan ............

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