TheAutomaticMillionaire,ExpandedandUpdat.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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PRAISE FOR The Automatic Millionaire
“The Automatic Millionaire
is an automatic winner. David Bach really cares about you: on every page you can hear him cheering you on to financial fitness. No matter who you are or what your income is, you can benefit from this easy-to-apply program. Do it now. You and your loved ones deserve big bucks!”
—Ken Blanchard, coauthor of
The One Minute Manager
“The Automatic Millionaire
gives you, step by step, everything you need to secure your financial future. When you do it David Bach’s way, failure is not an option.”
—Jean Chatzky, Financial Editor, NBC’s Today
“David Bach’s no spin financial advice is beautiful because it’s so simple. If becoming self-sufficient is important to you, then this book is a must.”
—Bill O’Reilly, anchor, Fox News, and author of
The O’Reilly Factor
and The No Spin Zone
PRAISE FOR Start Late, Finish Rich
“Financial wizard David Bach’s new book, Start Late, Finish Rich
, offers solid advice for getting our finances in order, no matter how old we are.”

“With feel-good sensibilities, David Bach delivers levelheaded strategies for reaching financial goals….Bach’s clever approach will make readers feel as if they’re having a one-on-one conversation with a friendly personal financial counselor….Powerful, poignant and pleasing, Start Late, Finish Rich
can’t be read fast enough.”
PRAISE FOR Smart Couples Finish Rich
“Smart Couples Finish Rich
teaches women and men to work together as a team when it comes to money. Bach’s nine steps are powerful, yet easy to understand and fun to implement. The entire family can benefit from this great book.”
—Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
“I know how hard it is to make a personal-finance book user-friendly. Bach has done it. Smart Couples Finish Rich
picks up where Smart Women Finish Rich
left off….This is an easy, lively read filled with tips that made me smile and at least once made me laugh.”
—USA Weekend
“David Bach offers a prescription both to avoid money conflicts and to plan a harmonious future together….The bottom line is action, and Bach’s chatty writing style helps motivate you to that end.”
PRAISE FOR Smart Women Finish Rich
“Inspires women to start planning today for a secure financial future. Every woman can benefit from this book….Bach is an excellent money coach.”
—John Gray, bestselling author of
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
“David Bach is the one expert to listen to when ............

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