SleepingMurder_MissMarple'sLastCase - (EPUB全文下载)

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Agatha Christie
Sleeping Murder
A Miss Marple Mystery
Title Page
1. A House
2. Wallpaper
3. “Cover Her Face …”
4. Helen?
5. Murder in Retrospect
6. Exercise in Detection
7. Dr. Kennedy
8. Kelvin Halliday’s Delusion
9. Unknown Factor?
10. A Case History
11. The Men in Her Life
12. Lily Kimble
13. Walter Fane
14. Edith Pagett
15. An Address
16. Mother’s Son
17. Richard Erskine
18. Bindweed
19. Mr. Kimble Speaks
20. The Girl Helen
21. J. J. Afflick
22. Lily Keeps an Appointment
23. Which of Them?
24. The Monkey’s Paws
25. Postscript at Torquay
About the Author
Other Books by Agatha Christie
About the Publisher
Gwenda Reed stood, shivering a little, on the quayside.
The docks and the custom sheds and all of England that she could see, were gently waving up and down.
And it was in that moment that she made her decision—the decision that was to lead to such very momentous events.
She wouldn’t go by the boat train to London as she had planned.
After all, why should she? No one was waiting for her, nobody expected her. She had only just got off that heaving creaking boat (it had been an exceptionally rough three days through the Bay and up to Plymouth) and the last thing she wanted was to get into a heaving swaying train. She would go to a hotel, a nice firm steady hotel standing on good solid ground. And she would get into a nice steady bed that didn’t creak and roll. And she would go to sleep, and the next morning—why, of course—what a splendid idea! She would hire a car and she would drive slowly and without hurrying herself all through the South of England looking about for a house—a nice house—the house that she and Giles had planned she should find. Yes, that was a splendid idea.
In that way she would see something of England—of the England that Giles had told her about and which she had never seen; although, like most New Zealanders, she called it Home. At the moment, England was not looking particularly attractive. It was a grey day with rain imminent and a sharp irritating wind blowing. Plymouth, Gwenda thought, as she moved forward obediently in the queue for Passports and Customs, was probably not the best of England.
On the following morning, however, her feelings were entirely different. The sun was shining. The view from her window was attractive. And the universe in general was no longer waving and wobbling. It had steadied down. This was England at last and here she was, Gwenda Reed, young married woman of twent ............



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