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Networking to get Customers, a Job or Anything You Want
by Chris Haroun
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Networking to Get Customers, a Job or Anything You Want
Copyright © 2016 by Haroun Education Ventures, Inc.
(Published by
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.
To my Mom and Dad who gave me the faith and confidence to know in my heart that you can accomplish anything in life.
Introduction & Thank You!
Thank you for purchasing my networking book. I have failed a lot in my career, but I have also successfully changed careers many times; I have also found amazing customers and investors by networking. I have been fortunate to have worked at Goldman Sachs, in the consulting, tech, hedge fund and venture capital industries. I have started several companies. I have also raised and managed over $1bn in my career (a lot by networking). I want to teach you based on my failures and my success in life. Most success is based on the ability to network (not grades in school and not raw intelligence).
I will teach you exactly how to successfully network in this book so you can get anything in life that you want (that’s right). For many people (myself included at first) it feels really uncomfortable asking strangers for meetings or for help...but you know what?
You will never get anything in life unless you ask
, including the following: 
A job 
A raise 
A promotion 
A customer 
A date 
A discount 
Anything really….ask & you shall receive – especially with networking!   
Wow – is it really that simple – all I have to do is ask? Almost...but in order to receive, you need to give from your heart and find people that
similar life experiences as you are
now. Please watch this video:
(please assume all internet links in this book are case sensitive - thanks).
The key to networking is giving and also finding people with something in common with you, which I will explain using many real life examples in this book. You need to appeal to emotions. For example, think about how you might write a cover letter and try to
appeal to emotions
and ............

书籍《Networking to Get Customers, a Job or An.epub》 - 插图1
书籍《Networking to Get Customers, a Job or An.epub》 - 插图2


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