MissDaisyIsCrazy! - (EPUB全文下载)
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My Weird School #1
Miss Daisy Is Crazy!
Dan Gutman
Pictures by
Jim Paillot
To Emma
1 I Hate School!
2 Dumb Miss Daisy and Principal Klutz
3 How to Spell Read
4 Miss Daisy Is Crazy!
5 The Most Genius Idea!
6 What Do You Want to Be?
7 Bonbons and Footballs
8 A Lot of Books!
9 Put Those Books Away
10 Football Players Are Really Dumb
11 We Rule the School!
12 Poor Miss Daisy
About the Author and the Illustrator
About the Publisher
I Hate School!
“My name is A.J. I like football and video games, and I hate school.” Our teacher, Miss Daisy, was taking attendance. It was the first day of second grade. Miss Daisy told everyone in the class to stand up, say our name, and say something about ourself.
All the kids laughed when I said I hated school. But there was nothing funny about it. I have learned a lot in my eight years. One thing I learned is that there is no reason why kids should have to go to school.
If you ask me, kids can learn all we need to learn by watching TV. You can learn important information like which breakfast cereal tastes best and what toys you should buy and which shampoo leaves your hair the shiniest. This is stuff that we’ll need to know when we grow up.
School is just this dumb thing that grown-ups thought up so they wouldn’t have to pay for baby-sitters. When I grow up and have children of my own, I won’t make them go to school. They can just ride their bikes and play football and video games all day. They’ll be happy, and they’ll think I’m the greatest father in the world.
But for now, I wanted to let my new teacher, Miss Daisy, know from the very start how I felt about school.
“You know what, A.J.?” Miss Daisy said, “I hate school too.”
“You do?”
We all stared at Miss Daisy. I thought teachers loved school. If they didn’t love school, why did they become teachers? Why would they ever want to go to a school as a grown-up? I know that when I’m a grown-up, I’m not going to go anywhere near a school.
“Sure I hate school,” Miss Daisy continued. “If I didn’t have to be here teaching you, I could be home sitting on my comfortable couch, watching TV and eating bonbons.”
“Wow!” we all said.
“What’s a bonbon?” asked Ryan, a kid with black sneakers who was sitting next to me.
“Bonbons are these wonderful chocolate treats,” Miss Daisy told us. “They’re about the size of a large acorn, and you can pop the whole thing right in your mouth so you don’t need a napkin. I could eat a whole box of bonbons ............
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