Manvs.Beast - (EPUB全文下载)

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Andy Pierce’s bed felt fantastic. His duvet was wrapped around his chin, his muscles felt relaxed, and his warm pillow fitted snugly under his head. But the gash of sunlight leaking between the curtains was tormenting him.
The fourteen-year-old didn’t have the heart to crane his head up and look at the bedside clock, but he knew he had to get up. In less than an hour he’d have his elbows propped on a desk and a tie around his neck for the waking nightmare that was Monday morning: English, French, and drama. Today would be even worse than usual because Andy was going to get nailed for not doing his Macbeth homework.
He pictured the dirty look he’d get off Mr. Walker as his bedroom door swung into the room.
“I called you three times already,” Andy’s mum called, as she bounded across the carpet towards the window.
Christine Pierce looked like a sour-faced angel: dressed for work in a white polo shit, white trousers, and white canvas trainers.
“There’s toast on the table downstairs. Stone cold now, I expect.”
The room exploded with light as Christine swished the curtains apart, then whipped away the duvet covering her eldest son.
“Mummmm,” Andy moaned, as he shielded his eyes with one hand and put the other over his privates.
“Oh, give over.” Christine grinned, giving her son a friendly slap on the ankle.
“You’ve got nothing down there I haven’t seen a thousand times before.” Her expression turned to revulsion as she caught a whiff of the duvet hanging over her arm.
“When exactly did you last change these sheets?”
Andy shrugged as he rolled onto his bum and grabbed a pair of clean boxers he’d set out the night before.
“I dunno… Last week, I think.”
“Pull the other one. Those pillowcases are yellow and I don’t even want to think about the smell.”
“It’s not that bad.”
Andy watched his mum’s lips thin out as he yanked a school shirtsleeve up his arm.
Thin lips meant he had to be careful: She was on the verge of going thermonuclear.
“When I get home from work this evening, I expect to see that disgusting bed linen washed and hanging on the rotary line out the back. And you can do your brother’s while you’re at it.”
“What?” Andy gasped. “Why have I got to do Stuart’s bed?”
Andy recoiled as his mother jammed her pointing finger under his nose. “You claim you’re old enough to stroll in from the cinema with your mates at quarter past eleven.
In my book, that makes you old enough to start taking more responsibility around this house. This isn’t a hotel, and I’m ............

书籍《Manvs.Beast》 - 插图1


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