ItWasOnMyVisionBoard_RealLawofAttraction.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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It Was On My Vision Board!!
Real Law of Attraction Manifestation Stories
By A. D. Ruffin
Table of Contents
My Story
Steve Harvey
Oprah Viewer
Jordan and the Horse
Oprah Winfrey
John Assaraf
April Morris
Molly Mahar
Beyonce's Superfan
Rapper Big Sean
Tricia Waltman
Jack Canfield
Kanye West
Ellen Degeneres
Author Elise Ballard
Sarah Centrella
Joe Seeber
Charlene Lincoln
Hopeful Woman
Bethany Butzer
Lady From Miami
Terry Shorter
Jack Delosa
Marjie Killeen
Necole Bitchie
What if I told you that you can have anything you want, all you have to do is put a picture of it on a board, focus on it awhile, be positive, and believe that you will have what you desire? Sounds crazy right? Well, what if I gave you a book full of dozens of stories of real people who put pictures of things they wanted on a board, focused on it awhile, stayed positive, and believed that they would have the things they desired....and everything they placed on their board manifested? Would you be more convinced? If so, then this is the book for you.
I've personally had success with vision boards, I talk about it in my book
- the first book in my series
Real Law of Attraction Manifestation Stories
. Why did I think this vision board stuff would work? ...Because I saw it on Oprah. I just didn't feel like Oprah would air something that would undermine the integrity of the show. In my head, if it is on Oprah, there has to be some truth to it. That was all the convincing I needed. So back in 2009 I read a couple of books and hopped on the Vision Board bandwagon. I'm glad I did! This book contains stories of real people who have used The Law of Attraction to manifest their desires. What is the law of attraction? In a nutshell, The Law of Attraction states that thoughts become things. Everything that happens to you - good or bad - you attract to yourself by way of your thoughts and feelings. There are plenty of books out there that teach you how to use Law of Attraction techniques, this is not that type of book. There are plenty ............

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