FreelanceAffiliate_StartaBusinessfromScr.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Start a Business from Scratch via Fiverr Service Freelancing & Google Search Affiliate Marketing
Robert Martin
How to Buy & Sell Services and Make Money via Fiverr
Even Without Doing the Work Yourself!
Robert Martin
Table of Contents
1 – Find Something to Sell
2 – Create a Fiverr Profile
3 – Create a Listing
4 – Fulfilling the Order
5 – Upselling the Customer
Good job my friend!
By getting this book, you are now on your way to starting a profitable freelance business.
The good thing is that you don’t have to be an expert in the service that you’ll sell.
I’m not gonna bore you with mundane details about Fiverr freelancing.
Basically, this is how you’ll make money.
Step 1 – Find a service outside Fiverr
Step 2 – Post a lot of listing to test the market (on Fiverr)
Step3 – Discover what service sell more
Step 4 – Upsell the customer
That’s it! You don’t have to do any marketing outside Fiverr. You don’t have to bleed yourself to death to provide the service.
You just have to find a service, test it on Fiverr , find the most profitable gig and upsell the customers.
Alright, ya ready to make some cash?
Let’s do this.
1 – Find Something to Sell
The first step is to find something that we can sell for less than $5.
We’ll gonna use the service called SEOCLERKS.
Now, please don’t share this website since most people who go to Fiverr doesn’t know that this website exist.
Think of yourself as the middle man.
You’ll sell on Fiverr and the original service provider from Seoclerks will do the work.
I recommend the $1 or $2 services so you can make at least $2-$4 per gig.
Now, $4 doesn’t sound like a lot of money, but it’s okay!
The upfront gig is just the BONUS!
The real money is in the upselling, which I will teach you later on the last chapter.
I don’t want you to waste your time so I’m just gonna flat out give you the cheapest but most profitable gigs that you can sell on Fiverr.
If you go to the website, just type these keywords and then arrange them by price.
Remember, use the exact keywords that I’ll use here.
No need to reinvent the wheel here.
I cannot guarantee that they will make you money but according to my research, these are the most search services not just on seoclerk but also on Fiverr.
Keyword: PBN
KEYWORD: Facebook Like
Keyword: twitter follower
Keyword: twitter favorite ............

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