穿越66号公路 - (EPUB全文下载)

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江凌 著




出 品:中信联合云科技有限公司 www.yuntrust.cn

版 本:电子书

版 次:2016年8月第1版

字 数:204千字



出版发行:中信出版集团股份有限公司 CITIC Publishing Group


版权所有 · 侵权必究

Founded in 1908 as the first school of journalism in the world, Missouri School of Journalism enjoys long-standing contacts with China. In fact, there was a student from China in the first graduating class of the school. Missouri’s reputation in China was further enhanced by Edgar Snow, an early Missouri student who became a household name in China. In his celebrated Red Star over China, Snow recounted the months he spent with the Chinese Red Army in war-time China during the WWII. With his literary giftedness and critical contemplation, the book, featuring his experiences in the Communist-controlled area and extensive face-to-face encounters with Chairman Mao and other top leaders, subverted the way Westerners perceived and made sense of situations in China, and the political choices of its people in particular.
Reputed internationally for the “Missouri Method” in journalism that integrates theory and practice, the Missouri School of Journalism is a cradle of American journalists and continues to work regularly with journalism students and professionals from China and across the world.
For the past 15 years, I have hosted visiting professionals and scholars from around the globe. Some of them were practitioners in the forefront of journalism, and others were scholars and teachers from schools of journalism. Several have written books and articles about some aspect of their experience, and others have used their time on campus to conduct or complete a research project.
But Ling Jiang developed the most creative approach I’ve seen. While still maintaining her obligations to Missouri and her university, she rented a car, packed lightly and began an exploration of the most iconic road in the US. Her eye for detail resulted in Across Route 66, a descriptive and visually enticing book that captures the character of the people and the scenery from her fresh perspective as a Chinese woman.
I congratulate her for the excellent work.
Associate Dean for Global ProgramsMissouri ............

书籍《穿越66号公路》 - 插图1
书籍《穿越66号公路》 - 插图2


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