项链及其他 - (EPUB全文下载)

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Bridge Bilingual Classics
Guy de Maupassant's Short Stories (Vol. Ⅸ)
The Necklace and Others
Guy de Maupassant
莫泊桑(法)  著
外研社编译组  译
北京 Beijing
Chinese translation copyright © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
No. 19 Xisanhuan Beilu
Beijing, China 100089
目 录
My Uncle Sosthenes  我的舅舅索斯登
That Costly Ride  那次代价昂贵的骑马
The Accursed Bread  可恶的面包
The Dowry  嫁妆
The Legion of Honor  荣誉勋章
The Necklace  项链
The Odule Sabot's Confession  西奥迪勒·萨博的忏悔
The Patron  保护人
The Umbrella  伞
My Uncle Sosthenes  
My Uncle Sosthenes was a Freethinker, like so many others are, from pure stupidity; people are very often religious in the same way. The mere sight of a priest threw him into a violent rage; he shook his fist and grimaced at him, and touched a piece of iron when the priest's back was turned, forgetting that the latter action showed a belief after all, the belief in the evil eye. Now when beliefs are unreasonable one should have all or none at all. I myself am a Freethinker; I revolt at all the dogmas which have invented the fear of death, but I feel no anger towards places of worship, be they Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Protestant, Greek, Russian, Buddhist, Jewish, or Mohammedan. I have a peculiar manner of looking at them and explaining them. A place of worship represents the homage paid by man to THE UNKNOWN. The more extended our thoughts and our views become, the more the unknown
diminishes, and the more places of worship will decay. I, however, in the place of church furniture, in the place of pulpits, reading desks, altars, and so on, would fit them up with telescopes, microscopes, and electrical machines; that is all.
My uncle and I ............

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书籍《项链及其他》 - 插图2


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