WriteandPublishYourOwnBookin14Days_TheUn.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Front matter
Can you really write a book in 14 days?
Indie author, indie publisher
Day 1: Planning
Day 2: Outlining
Days 3 - 9: Writing
Days 10 - 13: Editing
Day 14: Publishing
Promoting your book
Undercover Guides

Write and Publish Your Own Book in 14 Days: The Undercover Guide to Becoming an Author on Your Annual Leave
All trademarks are acknowledged and remain the properties of their respective owners.
Published by Ovingo Limited
Explore other books in the Undercover Guides series at undercoverguides.com
To the fullest extent of the law, neither the publisher nor the author assume any liability for injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein.
Nothing in this guide is a recommendation to purchase.
Can you really write a book in 14 days?
Foreword by Nik Rawlinson
Is it really possible to write a whole book in just 14 days? Not just write it, but plan it, outline it, churn out the words, edit them, compile it and get it on sale?
I’ve done it, more than once. After more than 15 years working in traditional publishing – at the slower, traditional publishing speeds – the majority of my time is now taken up writing books, most often at an accelerated pace.
There is no magic or mystique to writing a book. It’s not about sitting among scented candles with a herbal brew, finding a comfortable seat with a view of the countryside and waiting for inspiration to strike. If you believe it is, then the chances of everything being just so, the stars aligning and your surroundings being perfectly set up for your writing session to commence will be close to nil. Writing is a job, just like building bicycles, cleaning the streets or helping commuters get to the office by driving a train every morning.
In many ways, being a writer is simultaneously harder and less valuable than any of these alternative occupations. If you don’t write your book, does anyone really care? 
Probably not.
If the street sweeper decided they weren’t going to pick up their broom, though, we’d know about it soon enough. Rubbish would be building up in the corners, dirt in the gutter and rats in the drains. The street sweeper, therefore, doesn’t need to prove his worth. We writers do.
If you’re serious about writing a book then you need to approach the task wholeheartedly, as if you don’t care enough about it ............

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