WillowtheWednesdayFairy_ARainbowMagicBoo.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Arts and Crafts
Bits and Pieces
Crafty Goblins
Butterfly Fun
A Lasting Impression
Fairy Painting
“This is great!” Rachel Walker said, beaming at her best friend, Kirsty Tate, as they wandered around the Tippington Community Center Arts and Crafts Fair. “I don’t know what to do first!”
The fair was in full swing. Wooden tables covered with long white cloths were arranged in a huge square, and each table had been set up for different crafts. Rachel and Kirsty could see neat piles of velvet, satin, and silk fabrics for making patchwork quilts on one table, and knitting needles and baskets of fluffy wool on another. In one corner of the square, a man was demonstrating origami, and in another Rachel’s mom, Mrs. Walker, was teaching scrapbooking. Each table had space for people to try the crafts themselves, and there were already long lines at some of them.
“This is great, isn’t it?” Kirsty said, looking around. “And I just thought of something. With so much colorful fabric and paper around, this would be the perfect place to find one of the fairies’ Fun Day Flags!”
“You’re right!” Rachel agreed. “Today is Wednesday, so we should be on the lookout for Willow’s Wednesday flag.”
Kirsty and Rachel shared a wonderful secret. They were friends with the fairies, and often helped them when icy Jack Frost and his goblins caused trouble. Now the girls were trying to find the seven magical flags that the Fun Day Fairies used to recharge their magic. That way, every day of the week would be filled with fun!
Jack Frost and his goblins had stolen the flags, but the Fun Day magic had made the goblins even more mischievous than usual. Furious at the goblins’ antics, Jack Frost cast a spell to send the flags to the human world. But the goblins missed the fun so much, they snuck away to try and get the flags back. Now the fairies were relying on Rachel and Kirsty to help them find the flags … before the goblins did.
“I hope we can find all the Fun Day Flags before I have to go home at the end of the school break,” Kirsty said. Then she noticed that Rachel was frowning. “What’s the matter?” she asked.
“Have you noticed that no one looks very excited?” Rachel whispered, pointing at the visitors filling the room.
Kirsty looked around. Rachel was right. Even though some people were smiling, nobody looked like they were really having fun. “That’s because Willow’s Wednesday Flag is missing.” Kirsty sighed.
Rachel nodded. “And it’s going to be hard to find the flag with so many people ............

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