TheLeanStartup_HowConstantInnovationCrea.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Lean Startup
How Constant Innovation CreatesRadically Successful Businesses
1. Start
2. Define
3. Learn
4. Experiment
Part Two STEER
5. Leap
6. Test
7. Measure
8. Pivot (or Persevere)
9. Batch
10. Grow
11. Adapt
12. Innovate
13. Epilogue: Waste Not
14. Join the Movement
Advance praise for The Lean Startup:
‘This book should be mandatory reading for entrepreneurs, and the same goes for managers who want better entrepreneurial instincts. Ries’s book is loaded with fascinating stories – not to mention countless practical principles you’ll dearly wish you’d known five years ago’
Dan Heath, co-author of Switch and Made to Stick
‘Ries shows us how to cut through the fog of uncertainty that surrounds startups. His approach is rigorous; his prescriptions are practical and proven in the field. The Lean Startup could do more to boost global economic growth than any management book written in years’
Tom Eisenmann, professor of entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School
‘The Lean Startup isn’t just about how to create a more successful entrepreneurial business, it’s about what we can learn from those businesses to improve virtually everything we do. I imagine Lean Startup principles applied to government programmes, to healthcare, and to solving the world’s great problems. It’s ultimately an answer to the question: ‘How can we learn more quickly what works, and discard what doesn’t?’
Tim O’Reilly, CEO, O’Reilly Media
‘At Asana, we’ve been lucky to benefit from Eric’s advice firsthand; this book will enable him to help many more entrepreneurs answer the tough questions about their business’
Dustin Moskovitz, co-founder of Facebook
‘The Lean Startup is the book whose lessons I want every entrepreneur to absorb and apply. I know of no better guide to improving the odds of a startup’s success’
Mitchell Kapor, founder, Lotus Development Corp.
‘Eric Ries unravels the mysteries of entrepreneurship, and reveals that magic and genius are not the necessary ingredients for success but instead proposes a scientific process that can be learned and replicated. Whether you are a startup entrepreneur or corporate entrepreneur, there are important lessons here for you on your quest toward the new and unknown’
Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO
‘Ries’s splendid book is the essential template to understand the crucial leadership challenge of our time: initiating and managing ............

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