10-TheGhostNextDoor - (EPUB全文下载)

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Goosebumps - 10
R.L. Stine
(An Undead Scan v1.5)
Hannah wasn’t sure which had awakened her—the brittle crackling sounds or the bright yellow flames.
She sat straight up in bed and stared in wide-eyed horror at the fire that surrounded her.
Flames rippled across her dresser. The burning wallpaper curled and then melted. The door of her closet had burned away, and she could see the fire leaping from shelf to shelf.
Even the mirror was on fire. Hannah could see her reflection, dark behind the wall of flickering flames.
The fire moved quickly to fill the room.
Hannah began to choke on the thick, sour smoke.
It was too late to scream.
But she screamed anyway.
* * *
How nice to find out it was only a dream.
Hannah sat up in bed, her heart pounding, her mouth as dry as cotton.
No crackling flames. No leaping swirls of yellow and orange.
No choking smoke.
All a dream, a horrible dream. So real.
But a dream.
“Wow. That was really scary,” Hannah muttered to herself. She sank back on her pillow and waited for her heart to stop thudding so hard in her chest. She raised her gray-blue eyes to the ceiling, staring at the cool whiteness of it.
Hannah could still picture the black, charred ceiling, the curling wallpaper, the flames tossing in front of the mirror.
“At least my dreams aren’t boring!”
she told herself. Kicking off the light blanket, she glanced at her desk clock. Only eight-fifteen.
How can it only be eight-fifteen? she wondered. I feel as if I’ve been sleeping forever. What day is it, anyway?
It was hard to keep track of these summer days. One seemed to melt into another.
Hannah was having a lonely summer. Most of her friends had gone away on family vacations or to camp.
There was so little for a twelve-year-old to do in a small town like Greenwood Falls. She read a lot of books and watched a lot of TV and rode her bike around town, looking for someone to hang out with.
But today Hannah climbed out of bed with a smile on her face.
She was alive!
Her house hadn’t burned down. She hadn’t been trapped inside the crackling wall of flames.
Hannah pulled on a pair of Day-Glo green shorts and a bright orange sleeveless top. Her parents were always teasing her about being color blind.
“Give me a break!
What’s the big deal if I like bright colors?” she always replied.
Bright colors. Like the flames around her bed.
“Hey, dream—get lost
!” she muttered. She ran a hairbrush quickly through her short blonde hair, then headed down the ............

书籍《10-TheGhostNextDoor》 - 插图1
书籍《10-TheGhostNextDoor》 - 插图2


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