英语陷阱大揭秘 - (EPUB全文下载)

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目 录
Aaron's beard 金丝桃
a baker's dozen 一打加一,13(个)
a bed of roses 使人心情愉快的地方、职位、工作等
able seaman 一等水手
A-bomb 原子弹
above board 光明正大的
above oneself 自命不凡
above the salt 在上席
above water 摆脱困境/麻烦/债务
absence of mind 心不在焉,精神不集中
accept the face of 偏爱,偏袒
Achilles' heel 致命的弱点,致命伤
acid test 严峻的考验,真正的考验
act the fool 装模作样,装傻
act the goat 胡闹
Adam's apple 喉结
adult movies 色情电影
advertise oneself 吹嘘自己
a fine/good selection of 很多,大量
African American 非洲裔美国人,美国黑人
after a fashion 勉强,马马虎虎
afternoon farmer 不守时刻的人,懒汉
after the fashion 流行的,时髦的
against the clock 尽快完成
all abroad 感到莫名其妙,(某事)离谱
all Greek to sb. 对某人来说一窍不通
all the world and his wife 所有的人,人人
all thumbs 笨手笨脚
all told 总共,共计
all to nothing 百分百地,一定
all woman 最标准的女性,最理想的女性
a long distance 长途电话
American Beauty 月月红
an arm and a leg 一大笔钱
and company 及其朋友们,及其同事们
and what not 等东西,诸如
a near go 幸免于难,极侥幸地逃脱
an eight days 一星期
animal spirits 生气,活力
another pair of shoes 另外一码事,另当别论
answer the call of nature 解小便
anything but 根本不是,一点也不
a piece of cake 很简单的事
apple of love 西红柿
apple polisher 马屁精,奉承者
April weather 喜怒无常
around the clock 连续一整天,昼夜不停地
as blind as a bat 判断力差,有眼无珠
as clear as mud 极难理解的
as good as gold 很乖,很听话
as high as a kite 烂醉如泥
ask for it 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
ask for one's cards 要求辞职
ask for the floor 要求发言
ask me another 我不知道
as like as not 很可能,大概
as likely as not 多半,说不定
a small fortune 许多钱,一大笔钱
as merry as a cricket 非常开心
as nice as they come 极好的
as nutty as a fruitcake 脑子有毛病,精神不正常
as plain as the nose on one's face 一目了然
as safe as houses 非常安全
ass in lion's skin 原形毕露
as soon as not 宁可
as the crow flies 笔直地
as thick as thieves 亲密无间
athlete's foot 脚癣,香港脚
at one's expense 捉弄某人
at sea 茫然,不知所措
at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟,一团糟
at table 进餐
at the eleventh hour 最后时刻
at the end of one's rope 山穷水尽,处于绝境
at the wheel 在驾驶;控制,指挥
Aunt Sally 设想的对手,众矢之的
baby-kisser 为竞选而到处笼络人心的政客
baby's breath 满天星
baby shower 婴儿送礼会
back to square one 前功尽弃,(因失败)从头再来
bad apple 害群之马,坏蛋
bad blood 恶感,敌意,仇恨
ball and chain 老婆
banana skin 令人尴尬的错误, 出洋相
bark up the wrong tree 不成功的尝试
bat a thousand 很有成就,非常出色
be a fool for 无法抵制……的诱惑,对……着迷
be a fool to 不能和……相比
be all ears 全神贯注地听,聚精会神地倾听
be all in the day's work 不足为奇
bean counter 斤斤计较之人
bean feast 庆祝会,聚会
beat goose 双手插在腋下取暖
beat one's brains out 绞尽脑汁
be called to the bar 取得律师资格,成为大律师
be caught with one's pants down 被当场抓住
be dead on 善于
before you could say Jack Robinson 一下子,马上
behind bars 坐牢
behind the eight ball 受挫,处于困境或不利地位
behind time 迟到
be hot under the collar 大发脾气
be in the dock 在被告席上
bell the cat 自告奋勇去冒险,老虎头上拍苍蝇
bench pla ............

书籍《英语陷阱大揭秘》 - 插图1
书籍《英语陷阱大揭秘》 - 插图2


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