WheretheMoneyWas - (EPUB全文下载)

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Title Page
Where the Money Was
Part One • Breaking In
Irishtown Made Me
On the Matter of Unlawful Entry
Murder One
The First Bank
From Sing Sing to Siberia
Willie the Actor
The Third Degree
Part Two • Breaking Out
Sutton's Law
Seven Doors to Freedom
Philadelphia, Here I Come
A Tunnel to Holmesburg
Langy the Rat
Part Three • The Fugitive
Visiting Prisoner
Over the River to the Poorhouse
The Finger of Fate
Who Killed Arnold Schuster?
A Question of Guilt
Part Four • The Fourth Escape
The Affirm-the-Order, No-Opinion Blues
The Jailhouse Lawyer
The Angel on My Shoulder
Christmas in New York
About the Authors
The Broadway Library of Larceny
Series Editor
Copyright Page
• Where the Money Was •
What am I doing, I ask myself, standing on a corner at six o'clock in the morning freezing my ass off? Hell, I am almost forty-nine years old. I have been a fugitive for three full years now. I am number one on the FBI Wanted List. If I am caught I will go back to prison for life. They don't even have to catch me for another bank robbery, all they have to do is get their hands on me.
Even to me it makes no sense. I have a safe harbor in Staten Island. I have fifty thousand dollars or so stashed around that I could get my hands on with a couple of phone calls. And still, I am out here on a cold winter morning putting it all on the line in order to rob a bank for money that I neither want nor need. The most brilliant student of the criminal mind that I have ever known once told me that banks would always present an irresistible challenge to me, and any doubts I may have had about that are now gone. I am not only determined to get this bank, I am determined to get it my way, even though my modus operandi is so distinctive that I might just as well be leaving my calling card behind.
Maybe not, though. The Willie Sutton trademark has always been to get inside the bank by wearing the kind of uniform that would lead the guard to open the door for me without question. On this one—if everything goes exactly right—I am going to get in without a uniform and it is a prospect that excites me more than anything has excited me in years.
The bank is the Manufacturers Trust Company in Sunnyside, Queens, and everything about it is ideal. All around me along Queens Boulevard during the next two hours is the traffic of a city on its way to work. Thousands of residents are pouring out of the high-rise apartment houses. Thousands of cars are passing on their w ............

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书籍《WheretheMoneyWas》 - 插图2


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