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Appleton’s Dictionary of Greater New York and Its Neighborhoods, 26th ed. New York: D. Appleton, 1904.
Boy Scouts of America Annual Reports. New York: Boy Scouts of America, 1911–1919.
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Boorstin, Daniel J. The Americans: The Democratic Experience. New York: Vintage Books, 1974.
Bowler, Gerry. Santa Claus: A Biography. New York: McClelland & Stewart, 2005.
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Brace, Charles Loring. Home-Life in Germany. New York: Charles Scribner, 1853.
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Brandes, Joseph. Herbert Hoover and Economic Diplomacy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1962.
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Brown, Henry C. New York of To-Day. New York: Old Colony Press, 1917.
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Bruce, H. Addington. Above the Clouds and Old New York. New York,1913.
Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York ............

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