TheChineseOrangeMystery - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Chinese Orange Mystery
Ellery Queen
“The detection
or rather the solution
of crime calls for a combination of scientist and seer in the completest development of the detective. The genius for prophesying from events is a very special endowment of Nature and has been granted in its highest form only to a favored few . . . .
“I might paraphrase that interesting observation in Schlegel's Athenaeum goes:

Der Historiker ist ein riickwarts gekehrter Prophet/ by pointing out that: ‘The detective is a prophet looking backwardsOr Carlyle’s more subtle observation about history by agreeing that: The process of detection (as opposed to History ) is ‘a distillation of rumor.’”
Excerpt from an Anonymous Article in Esoterica Americana,
Attributed by Some to Matsoyuma Tahukiy the Noted Japanese Authority on the Occident.
I am naturally prejudiced in favor of my friend Mr. Ellery Queen. Friendship aborts the critical faculties; especially friendship which has been invited to partake of fame. And yet, ever since those ancient days when I was first persuading Ellery to whip his notes into fiction form
through all the exciting novels that followed that first adventure
I cannot recall being more genuinely impressed than I was as I read the manuscript of
The Chinese Orange Mystery.
It might well have been subtitled: The Crime That Was Backwards. With a further addendum: The Most Remarkable Murder-Case of Modern Times. But, as I say, I am prejudiced and perhaps that is a modest overstatement. The point is that if the crime itself was extraordinary, the mentality that went to work upon it was gigantic. Even now, knowing the answer, I sometimes disbelieve. And yet it was all so simple, indeed so inevitable . . . . The trouble is, as Ellery likes to point out, that all puzzles are irritatingly cryptic until you know the answer, and then you wonder why you were baffled so long. But I cannot quite subscribe to that; it took genius to solve the crime that was backwards, and I will stick to that opinion tho’ Hell freeze over and I lose my friend
which is a potent possibility.
Sometimes, too, I feel secretly glad that I had nothing to do with that case. Ellery, who is in many ways a thinking machine, is no respecter of friendships when logic points an accusing finger. And it might very well have been that had I been in some way involved
if even as, let us say, Donald Kirk’s attorney
Ellery might have caused good Sergeant Velie to clap the cuffs on my po ............

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