TheAmericans - (EPUB全文下载)

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Democracy and Its Discontents
The Americans: The Colonial ExperienceThe Americans: The National ExperienceThe Americans: The Democratic Experience
The Mysterious Science of the LawThe Lost World of Thomas JeffersonThe Genius of American PoliticsAmerica and the Image of EuropeThe Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in AmericaThe Decline of RadicalismThe Sociology of the AbsurdThe Chicago History ofAmerican Civilization (27 vols.; editor)An American Primer (editor)American Civilization (editor)
for young readersThe Landmark History of the American PeopleVol. I: From Plymouth to AppomattoxVol. II: From Appomattox to the Moon
FOR Ruth
In 1845, The Emigrants’ Guide to Oregon and California recorded Lansford W. Hastings’ experience with his company of one hundred and sixty who set out overland from Independence, Missouri, on May 16, 1842:
“Now, all was high glee, jocular hilarity, and happy anticipation, as we thus darted forward into the wild expanse, of the untrodden regions of the ‘western world.’ The harmony of feeling, the sameness of purpose, and the identity of interest, which here existed, seemed to indicate nothing but continued order, harmony and peace, amid all the trying scenes incident to our long and toilsome journey. But we had proceeded only a few days travel, from our native land of order and security, when the ‘American character’ was fully exhibited. All appeared to be determined to govern, but not to be governed. Here we were, without law, without order, and without restraint; in a state of nature, amid the confused, revolving, fragments of elementary society! Some were sad, while others were merry; and while the brave doubted, the timid trembled! Amid this confusion, it was suggested by our captain, that we ‘call a halt,’ and pitch our tents, for the purpose of enacting a code of laws, for the future government of the company. The suggestion was promptly complied with, when all were required to appear in their legislative capacities.”
The nation was beginning not at one time or place, but again and again, under men’s very eyes. Americans were forming new communities and reforming old communities all over the wild expanse of the western world. Within less than a century after the American Revolution—even before the Civil War—the fringe of colonial settlements, ocean-bound to their mother countries, would become a continent-nation.
New Beginnings
PART ONETHE VERSATILES: New Engl ............

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