SabrinatheSweetDreamsFairy - (EPUB全文下载)

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In the Starry Glade
Ice Castle Mission
Night Monsters
Sleepy Jack Frost!
Sweet Dreams
“Oh, isn’t it sad that this is our last night at Camp Stargaze, Kirsty?” Rachel sighed as she snuggled down inside her sleeping bag. She glanced up at the black sky overhead, where tiny silver stars were glittering like diamonds. “Still, having an outdoor sleepover is a wonderful way to end our vacation together!”
Kirsty nodded as she unzipped her own sleeping bag and climbed in. “It’s been fun, hasn’t it, Rachel?” she agreed. “I’m so glad we came!”
The girls and their parents were spending a week of summer vacation at Camp Stargaze, which got its name because it was in a wonderful place to view the night sky. It was a warm, clear evening, and all the children had brought their sleeping bags onto the grassy area by the tents. They’d had milk and cookies, and Peter, the camp counselor, had read them a bedtime story.
“OK, time to turn off your flashlights now,” Peter called. “Good night, everyone.”
“I want to come back to Camp Stargaze again next year,” said Lucas. He and Matt, two of Rachel and Kirsty’s new friends, were lying on the lawn in their sleeping bags near the girls. “It’s the best vacation I’ve ever had!”
“I learned a lot about the stars from Professor Hetty,” Matt declared, turning off his flashlight. “And I’m going to keep reading about them when I get home, too. Good night, Rachel and Kirsty!”
“Good night,” the girls called.
All the flashlights were turned off now, and the camp was in darkness except for the pale light of the moon. Gradually, everything fell silent, other than the occasional gentle hooting of an owl in the Whispering Woods nearby.
“Nobody else knows that this has been an extra-magical vacation for us, Kirsty,” Rachel whispered, smiling at her friend in the moonlight.
“Yes, we’ve had some amazing fairy adventures!” Kirsty whispered back. After the girls had arrived at Camp Stargaze earlier that week, their fairy friends had asked them to help once more. Rachel and Kirsty had been horrified to learn that Jack Frost and his goblins had stolen seven satin bags of magic dust from the Night Fairies while the fairies were at an outdoor party.
The Night Fairies used their magic to make sure that the hours between sunset and sunrise were peaceful and harmonious, just as they should be. But with the magic bags in the hands of Jack Frost and his goblins, all kinds of strange things had been happening, including a green sunset and the stars m ............

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书籍《SabrinatheSweetDreamsFairy》 - 插图2


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