Rework - (EPUB全文下载)

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More Praise for Rework
“In typical 37signals fashion, the wisdom in these pages is edgy yet simple, straightforward, and proven … Read this book multiple times to help give you the courage you need to get out there and make something great.”
—Tony Hsieh, CEO,
“The brilliance of Rework is that it inspires you to rethink everything you thought you knew about strategy, customers, and getting things done.”
—William C. Taylor, founding editor of Fast Company and coauthor of Mavericks at Work
“For me, Rework posed a new challenge: stifling the urge to rip out each page and tape it to my wall … Amazing, powerful, inspirational—those adjectives might make me sound like a fawning fan, but Rework is that useful. After you’ve finished it, be prepared for a new feeling of clarity and motivation.”
—Kathy Sierra, co-creator of the bestselling Head First series and founder of
“Inspirational … In a world where we all keep getting asked to do more with less, the authors show us how to do less and create more.”
—Scott Rosenberg, cofounder of and author of Dreaming in Code and Say Everything
“Leave your sacred cows in the barn and let 37signals’ unconventional wisdom and experience show you the way to business success in the twenty-first century. No MBA jargon or consultant-speak allowed. Just practical advice we can all use. Great stuff.”
—Saul Kaplan, chief catalyst, Business Innovation Factory
“Appealingly intimate, as if you’re having coffee with the authors. Rework is not just smart and succinct but grounded in the concreteness of doing rather than hard-to-apply philosophizing. This book inspired me to trust myself in defying the status quo.”
—Penelope Trunk, author of Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success
“[This book’s] assumption is that an organization is a piece of software. Editable. Malleable. Sharable. Fault-tolerant. Comfortable in Beta. Reworkable. The authors live by the credo ‘keep it simple, stupid’ and Rework possesses the same intelligence—and irreverence—of that simple adage.”
—John Maeda, author of The Laws of Simplicity
“Rework is like its authors: fast-moving, iconoclastic, and inspiring. It’s not just for startups. Anyone who works can learn from this.”
—Jessica Livingston, partner, Y Combinator; author, Founders at Work
The new reality
Ignore the real world
Learning from mistakes is overrated
Planning is guessing
Why grow?
Enough with “entrepreneurs”
Make a dent in t ............

书籍《Rework》 - 插图1
书籍《Rework》 - 插图2


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书云 Open E-Library » Rework - (EPUB全文下载)