IntroducingSecondLanguageAcquisition - (EPUB全文下载)

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Providing a solid foundation in second language acquisition, this book has become the leading introduction to the subject for students of linguistics, psychology, and education, and trainee language teachers. Now in its third edition, the textbook offers comprehensive coverage of fundamental concepts, including second language acquisition (SLA) in adults and children, in formal and informal learning contexts, and in diverse sociocultural settings, and takes an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging students to consider SLA from linguistic, psychological, and social perspectives. Each chapter contains a list of key terms, a summary, and a range of graded exercises suitable for self-testing and class discussion. The third edition has been revised throughout, and features new material on the practical aspects of teaching language, along with updated online resources, including new classroom activities to accompany each chapter, as well as updated references and further reading suggestions.

is Professor Emerita from the University of Arizona, named Regents’ Professor of English before her retirement. She has made significant contributions to the fields of sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, and has previously held posts at Texas A & M University, the University of Texas, Georgetown University, and the University of Illinois. She is a past President of TESOL, and named a Distinguished Scholar by the American Educational Research Association Standing Committee on the Role and Status of Minorities in Educational Research.

holds an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona, and is a Content Developer and Lecturer at the Center for English as a Second Language there. She has taught French, English applied linguistics, and English as a Second Language in several contexts. She has designed, developed, and taught teacher-training classes and programs, as well as conducting linguistic and psycholinguistic research. Also an avid student of foreign language herself, she has studied French, German, Italian, Spanish, Lao, and Latin.
This new textbook series provides students and their teachers with accessible introductions to the major subjects encountered within the study of language and linguistics. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, each book is written and designed fo ............

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