HisDarkMaterials02-TheSubtleKnife - (EPUB全文下载)

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Title Page
ONE  The Cat and the Hornbeam Trees
TWO  Among the Witches
THREE  A Children’s World
FOUR  Trepanning
FIVE  Airmail Paper
SIX  Lighted Fliers
SEVEN  The Rolls-Royce
EIGHT  The Tower of the Angels
NINE  Theft
TEN  The Shaman
ELEVEN  The Belvedere
TWELVE  Screen Language
THIRTEEN   Æsahættr
FOURTEEN  Alamo Gulch
FIFTEEN  Bloodmoss
About the Author
Also by Philip Pullman
Copyright Page
Will tugged at his mother’s hand and said, “Come on, come on . . . ”
But his mother hung back. She was still afraid. Will looked up and down the narrow street in the evening light, along the little terrace of houses, each behind its tiny garden and its box hedge, with the sun glaring off the windows of one side and leaving the other in shadow. There wasn’t much time. People would be having their meal about now, and soon there would be other children around, to stare and comment and notice. It was dangerous to wait, but all he could do was persuade her, as usual.
“Mum, let’s go in and see Mrs. Cooper,” he said. “Look, we’re nearly there.”
“Mrs. Cooper?” she said doubtfully.
But he was already ringing the bell. He had to put down the bag to do it, because his other hand still held his mother’s. It might have bothered him at twelve years of age to be seen holding his mother’s hand, but he knew what would happen to her if he didn’t.
The door opened, and there was the stooped elderly figure of the piano teacher, with the scent of lavender water about her as he remembered.
“Who’s that? Is that William?” the old lady said. “I haven’t seen you for over a year. What do you want, dear?”
“I want to come in, please, and bring my mother,” he said firmly.
Mrs. Cooper looked at the woman with the untidy hair and the distracted half-smile, and at the boy with the fierce, unhappy glare in his eyes, the tight-set lips, the jutting jaw. And then she saw that Mrs. Parry, Will’s mother, had put makeup on one eye but not on the other. And she hadn’t noticed. And neither had Will. Something was wrong.
“Well . . . ” she said, and stepped aside to make room in the narrow hall.
Will looked up and down the road before closing the door, and Mrs. Cooper saw how tightly Mrs. Parry was clinging to her son’s hand, and how tenderly he guided her into the sitting room where the piano was (of course, that was the only room he knew); and she noticed that Mrs. Parry’s clothes smelled slightly musty, as if they’d been too long in the washing machine b ............

书籍《HisDarkMaterials02-TheSubtleKnife》 - 插图1
书籍《HisDarkMaterials02-TheSubtleKnife》 - 插图2


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