TheDragon'sVillage_AnAutobiographicalNov.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Copyright © 1980 by Yuan-tsung Chen
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Chen, Yuan-tsung, 1932-
The dragon’s village.
I. Title.
PZ.C51794Dr           1980   [PR9272.9.C514]     823 79-3315
eISBN: 978-0-307-83194-1
To my husband and my son
For invaluable encouragement and support, I would like to thank Harrison Salisbury and Jay Leyda; for incisive questioning and advice, Wendy Wolf.
Title Page
 1.  To the Sound of Guns
 2.  A Glimpse of the Other Side
 3.  I Choose My Future
 4.  Journey to the Northwest
 5.  Cold Welcome in Longxiang
 6.  The Women
 7.  Meeting
 8.  The First Sacrifice
 9.  Night Shadows
10. Criticism and Self-Criticism
11. The Search
12. Two Confrontations
13. In a Grove of Trees
14. Electioneering
15. Shattered Jade
16. By a Grave, in a Wineshop
17. The Election
18. Three Deaths
19. Vacillation
20. Riding a Tiger
21. Help from a Broken Shoe
22. Getting at the Truth
23. Spring Hunger
24. Land to the Tiller
About the Author
With the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 came a redistribution of land—the “land reform.” To millions of Chinese peasants who had labored for centuries in direst poverty, with neither land nor hope, the agrarian revolution meant at last a means for them to support themselves—and hope. It brought to some as well a new revolutionary ardor to sustain them on the further slow and difficult journey that they faced.
In 1950 I was eighteen years old. I had just gotten my first real job, at the Central Film Bureau in Peking. The following year, I joined many other urban workers—artists, writers, and office workers in the countryside with the peasants, carrying out the land reform. Over the next twenty years we lived and worked for months at a time in villages scattered across the vastness of China.
This novel is based on my experiences during those years. Like Ling-ling, I went first to Gansu Province, in the Northwest, an area as foreign to me—young and city-bred—as the moon. This is the source of most of the incidents and events described; the characters are people I met, knew, or just glimpsed in passing. They are real people. This story is fiction, but it is true ............



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