TheCoachingSolution_HowtoDriveTalentDeve.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Praise for Renée Robertson and The Coaching Solution
In reading The Coaching Solution, I could feel how Renée’s authenticity as a person and as a professional coach is invested in these pages. Her book offers a very solid toolbox for successfully establishing coaching in any organization. And on a personal—and professional—note, Renée offers true value-add to our clients’ change projects by leveraging her business experience and knowledge.
DR. ALEXANDER DOUJAK, Managing Partner, Doujak Corporate Development
Coaching is one of the new—and misused—buzzwords across organizations today. So, what is coaching and how and why should you implement it across your organization?
Renée Robertson provides cogent answers to these questions, and does so based on her own real-world experience of implementing an award-winning coaching program in a large organization that was in crisis. That company was MCI as it emerged from the WorldCom scandal—and bankruptcy—and sought to re-establish itself as an elite and trusted player in telecommunications again. The stakes—retaining our best employees in spite of the scandal.
Renée’s book captures her experience at MCI and broadens across a larger organization at Verizon. It is a “must read” for anyone even considering a coaching program.
STEPHEN P. YOUNG, retired Senior Vice President, MCI and Verizon Visiting Instructor, Georgia State University Founding Director, Sales Executive RoundTable
In the mosaic of life we are all just a composite of our exposure. We owe gratitude for the impact that others have had on us, specifically those that coach us on how we can improve ourselves and in turn improve the lives of those around us. In The Coaching Solution, Renée shares her personal experience through a multitude of corporate positions and very challenging situations, highlighting the role of coaching in the improvement of individual performance and corporate transformation. All of us can relate to, and benefit from, her story.
CHARLES A. HELLINGS, Executive Vice President, Strategic Business Development, ePath Learning, Inc.
I believe there is a leader to some degree in everyone, but very few of us embrace change. Change affects all; therefore, all must be included if a company is to successfully transform. Renée does a phenomenal job of listening to the organization and recognizing the hurdles of change across a company’s culture, its personnel, and the markets it serves to effectively drive the right path for its evolutionary chang ............

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