LucyMaudMontgomery_AnneofGreenGablesComp.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Lucy Maud Montgomery
2016 © Book House
(updated on 2016/08/19)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Book House.
Table of Contents
Anne of Green Gables
Chapter 1 — Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised
Chapter 2 — Matthew Cuthbert is Surprised
Chapter 3 — Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised
Chapter 4 — Morning at Green Gables
Chapter 5 — Anne’s History
Chapter 6 — Marilla Makes Up Her Mind
Chapter 7 — Anne Says Her Prayers
Chapter 8 — Anne’s Bringing-up Is Begun
Chapter 9 — Mrs. Rachel Lynde Is Properly Horrified
Chapter 10 — Anne’s Apology
Chapter 11 — Anne’s Impressions of Sunday–School
Chapter 12 — A Solemn Vow and Promise
Chapter 13 — The Delights of Anticipation
Chapter 14 — Anne’s Confession
Chapter 15 — A Tempest in the School Teapot
Chapter 16 — Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results
Chapter 17 — A New Interest in Life
Chapter 18 — Anne to the Rescue
Chapter 19 — A Concert a Catastrophe and a Confession
Chapter 20 — A Good Imagination Gone Wrong
Chapter 21 — A New Departure in Flavorings
Chapter 22 — Anne is Invited Out to Tea
Chapter 23 — Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor
Chapter 24 — Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert
Chapter 25 — Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves
Chapter 26 — The Story Club Is Formed
Chapter 27 — Vanity and Vexation of Spirit
Chapter 28 — An Unfortunate Lily Maid
Chapter 29 — An Epoch in Anne’s Life
Chapter 30 — The Queens Class Is Organized
Chapter 31 — Where the Brook and River Meet
Chapter 32 — The Pass List Is Out
Chapter 33 — The Hotel Concert
Chapter 34 — A Queen’s Girl
Chapter 35 — The Winter at Queen’s
Chapter 36 — The Glory and the Dream
Chapter 37 — The Reaper Whose Name Is Death
Chapter 38 — The Bend in the road
Anne of Avonlea
Chapter 1 — An Irate Neighbor
Chapter 2 — Selling in Haste and Repenting at Leisure
Chapter 3 — Mr. Harrison at Home
Chapter 4 — Different Opinions
Chapter 5 — A Full-fledged Schoolma’am
Chapter 6 — All Sorts and Conditions of Men... and Women
Chapter 7 — The Pointing of Duty
Chapter 8 — Marilla Adopts Twins
Chapter 9 — A Question of Color
Chapter 10 — Davy in Search of a Sensation
Chapter 11 — Facts and Fancies
Chapter 12 — A Jonah Day
Chapter 13 — A Golden Picnic
Chapter 14 — A Danger Averted
Chapter 15 — The Beginning of Va ............

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