I Hate Networking_ The Definitive Non-Ne.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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I Hate Networking
The Definitive Non-Networking Guide How To Make Friends
Written by Kyle Eschenroeder
Blog Into Book
Copyright © 2013 by Kyle Eschenroeder
All rights reserved. Neither this book, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form without permission.
Chapter 1 - The Case for Friends
Chapter 2 - How To Make Friends
Chapter 3 - A Friendly Strategy
Chapter 4 - You’re Already Networked
About Kyle Eschenroeder
About the Startup Bros
Chapter 1
The Case for Friends
I Hate Networking
When writing the networking section for our upcoming book I redefined networking as “authentically making friends within areas you want to be in
“. It hurts to say “networking” because it bring up images of over- (or under-) dressed people chucking business cards like ninja stars. It sucks. They suck.
I don’t even understand what networking is. I looked it up on Google and I got back definitions for connecting computers. Even Google doesn’t know what networking is. Google is probably the best networker I know, though. They connect everybody to everything and everyone. Google has networked me with all sorts of people.
The other day I was sitting on my couch talking with some people who are starting a new school (a New School new school) on the hallowed grounds of Black Mountain College and we were talking about education and meditation and having a jolly-good time. It came up that I had authored a book. Now, Will and I are the authors of required reading for their new program.
It’s only after they left that I realized something like networking had just happened. It’s only after a moment of, “OMG, did we just become besties?” that we were able to move on to what I think most people would call networking.
Will and I are still recovering from our two weeks of StartupBus and SXSW. We built a company in three days on StartupBus and SXSW is a tech conference and music and movie festival. It’s all very awesome. People like to network hardcore at those things. They throw business cards into your eye ball and say that we’ll synergize our connection later. I have a stack of business cards and I have no idea who gave them all to me.
When I talk about the experience and all the amazing new friends I made people will say, “Wow! Sounds like you did some awesome networking!” I guess they’re right.
Again, networking, in my book, means making authentic friends.
If I want to “network” within a certain industry then I’ll meet a ............

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