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You regularly use prefetch caching with a Data Studio report to visualize the results of BigQuery queries. You want to minimize service costs. What should you do?
A. Set up the report to use the Owner's credentials to access the underlying data in BigQuery, and direct the users to view the report only once per business day (24-hour period).
B. Set up the report to use the Owner's credentials to access the underlying data in BigQuery, and verify that the 'Enable cache' checkbox is selected for the report.
C. Set up the report to use the Viewer's credentials to access the underlying data in BigQuery, and also set it up to be a 'view-only' report.
D. Set up the report to use the Viewer's credentials to access the underlying data in BigQuery, and verify that the 'Enable cache' checkbox is not selected for the report.
Answer: B
Correct option is B as you must set Owner credentials to use the 'enable cache' option in BigQuery. It is also a Google best practice to use the ‘enable cache’ option when the business scenario calls for using prefetch caching;
Refer GCP documentation - Datastudio data caching: -;
The prefetch cache is only active for data sources that use owner's credentials to access the underlying data.
Options A, C, & D are wrong as cache auto-expires every 12 hours; a prefetch cache is only for data sources that use the Owner's credentials and not the Viewer's credentials;
You are building storage for files for a data pipeline on Google Cloud. You want to support JSON files. The schema of these files will occasionally change. Your analyst teams will use running aggregate ANSI SQL queries on this data. What should you do?
A. Use BigQuery for storage. Provide format files for data load. Update the format files as needed.
B. Use BigQuery for storage. Select "Automatically detect" in the Schema section.
C. Use Cloud Storage for storage. Link data as temporary tables in BigQuery and turn on the "Automatically detect" option in the Schema section of BigQuery.
D. Use Cloud Storage for storage. Link data as permanent tables in BigQuery and turn on the "Automatically detect" option in the Schema section of BigQuery.
Answer: B
Correct answer is B as the requirement is to support occasionally (schema) changing JSON files and aggregate ANSI SQL queries: you need to use BigQuery, and it is quickest to use 'Automatically detect' for schema changes.
Refer GCP documentation - BigQu ............

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