FlexboxforResponsiveWebDesign_Howtobuild.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Flexbox for Responsive Web Design
By Harvey Berman
Copyright © 2016 Harvey Berman
All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Part 1. Flexbox Tutorial
Chapter 1. Introduction to Flexbox
Chapter 2. Flexbox Terminology
Chapter 3. Flex Containers
Chapter 4. Item Flow and Order
Chapter 5. Item Alignment
Chapter 6 Item Flexibility
Part 2. Browser Support Strategies
Chapter7. Vendor Prefixes
Chapter 8. Progressive Enhancement
Part 3. Responsive Web Design
Chapter 9. Media Queries
Chapter 10. Responsive Text
Chapter 11. Responsive Images
Chapter 12. Setting the Viewport
Part 4 Responsive Web Pages
Chapter 13. Responsive Navigation
Chapter 14. Responsive Footer
Chapter 15. Responsive Layout
Chapter 16. Responsive Web Page
Appendix A. Understanding Flex-Direction
Appendix B. Autoprefixer Options
Appendix C. Checkbox Hack

Responsive web design is all about creating flexible websites that work well on phones, tablets, computers, and other devices. The key word here is “flexible”.
The CSS flexible box model, known as flexbox, is a new layout tool that can help you build flexible websites painlessly. It is powerful, easy to learn, and easy to use.
About This Book
Flexbox for Responsive Web Design
is a practical guide that explains the principles, benefits, and challenges of responsive web design with flexbox. It has four parts:
A clear, compact tutorial covering the language of flexbox – core concepts, terminology, and syntax.
Effective strategies for dealing with older browsers that don’t support flexbox.
A user-friendly introduction to responsive web design – theory and practice in “aw shucks” language.
Step-by-step instruction for building responsive web pages with flexbox.
Topics are explained in clear, easy-to-understand language. Key points are reinforced with real-world examples. And code is provided so you can see exactly how everything works.
Who This Book Is For
This book is for web designers who want to build responsive websites that work on any browser and any device. The only requirement is a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.
What You Will Learn
As you progress through the book, you will learn to:
Position content where you want with flexbox – no floats, no workarounds, and no hacks.
Generate responsive text that is readable on any screen – the right font size, line-height, and line length.
Serve responsive images efficiently – the right image at the right size – using simple HTML and CSS.
Build flexible navigation pane ............

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