DoYouWantToPlayWithMyBalls_ - (EPUB全文下载)

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Do You Want
To Play
With My Balls?
by The Cifaldi Brothers
illustrated by Santiago Elizalde
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Bum Bum Books, LLC.
First edition 2012
© Bum Bum Books, LLC
Hey Louie! Do you want to play with my balls?
Sure Chuck! I can hold your ball sack so it won’t drag on the ground.
Wow! Your balls are so
big, I can’t even fit them
in my mouth!
My mom’s always yelling,
‘Louie! Get those balls out of
your mouth before you choke!’
You know that mean girl Sally?
She squeezed my balls so
hard they looked funny.
Yeah, well when I play
with Sally …
I always end up with blue balls.
Billy Johnson made Sally cry last week. Now that
kid’s got balls!
Not anymore … yesterday Sally kicked Billy’s balls so hard he lost one.
Look Louie!
Your dog is licking my balls!
Let’s roll them on Sparky’s fur. Girls hate hairy balls!
You know Chuck, if we
show Sally our hairy balls,
she’ll scream for sure!
Yeah, but … I don’t know.
I kind of like Sally. I wish
she would just play nice
with my balls.
Yeah, me too.
Hi Sally! Do you want to play with our balls?
Sure! But only if I can play with both of your balls at the same time!
The End ............

书籍《DoYouWantToPlayWithMyBalls_》 - 插图1
书籍《DoYouWantToPlayWithMyBalls_》 - 插图2


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