DinosaurTrainingSecrets_VolumeI_Exercise.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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CHAPTER 1: The Best Exercises
CHAPTER 2: Heavy, Awkward Objects
CHAPTER 3: Olympic Weightlifting
CHAPTER 4: Heavy Dumbbell Training
CHAPTER 5: Bone, Tendon and Ligament Strength
CHAPTER 6: Thick Bar Training
CHAPTER 7: Heavy Poundages
CHAPTER 8: Strength vs. "Cuts"
CHAPTER 9: Gut Training
CHAPTER 10: The Time Factor
CHAPTER 11: Real World Training
CHAPTER 12: The Recovery Factor
CHAPTER 13: The Light, Medium, Heavy System
CHAPTER 14: An Example of a Light, Medium, Heavy Program
CHAPTER 15: A Different Type of Light, Medium, Heavy Program
CHAPTER 16: Abbreviated Training
CHAPTER 17: Examples of Abbreviated Workouts
CHAPTER 18: Abbreviated Workouts for High Intensity Training
CHAPTER 19: Abbreviated Workouts for Olympic Weightlifting
CHAPTER 20: Abbreviated Workouts for Strongman Training
CHAPTER 21: Ultra-Abbreviated Training
CHAPTER 22: Examples of Ultra-Abbreviated Workouts
CHAPTER 23: Ultra-Abbreviated Workouts for Powerlifting
CHAPTER 24: One-Exercise Training Programs
CHAPTER 25: Questions and Answers
CHAPTER 26: Some Final Thoughts
Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In the early 1990's I began writing for Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer magazine. In 1996, I published
Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength and Development

. Since then, I've written and published more than 20 books and courses and written thousands of
blog posts

and articles on strength training, muscle building, weightlifting and Iron Game history, famous strongmen and how they trained, diet, nutrition, and the all-important mental aspects of strength training. I've edited and published close to 100 issues of The Dinosaur Files
newsletter, which is now available in a journal-sized quarterly format, and I've put together over a dozen strength training DVD's. I've done close to 100 podcast interviews, delivered audio seminars, presented live seminars, and answered thousands of training questions from readers around the word. By conservative estimate, I've written well over one million words about strength training, muscle building and physical culture.

I've done this—and I continue to do it—because I've made it my life's work to promote sane, sensible, result producing and effective strength training and muscle building—and to teach and preserve the very best traditions of old-school physical culture. My goal is to teach as many people as possible about the kind of training that really works—the kin ............

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