DataScienceforBusiness_WhatYouNeedtoKnow.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Data Science for Business
“A must-read resource for anyone who is serious about embracing the opportunity of big data.”
— Craig Vaughan Global Vice President at SAP
“This timely book says out loud what has finally become apparent: in the modern world, Data is Business, and you can no longer think business without
thinking data.

Read this book and you will understand the Science behind thinking data.”
— Ron Bekkerman Chief Data Officer at Carmel Ventures
“A great book for business managers who lead or interact with data scientists, who wish to better understand the principles and algorithms available without the technical details of single-disciplinary books.”
— Ronny Kohavi Partner Architect at Microsoft Online Services Division
“Provost and Fawcett have distilled their mastery of both the art and science of real-world data analysis into an unrivalled introduction to the field.”
— Geoff Webb Editor-in-Chief of
Data Mining and Knowledge

“I would love it if everyone I had to work with had read this book.”
— Claudia Perlich Chief Scientist of Dstillery and Advertising Research Foundation Innovation Award Grand Winner (2013)
“A foundational piece in the fast developing world of Data Science. A must read for anyone interested in the Big Data revolution."
— Justin Gapper Business Unit Analytics Manager at Teledyne Scientific and Imaging
“The authors, both renowned experts in data science before it had a name, have taken a complex topic and made it accessible to all levels, but mostly helpful to the budding data scientist. As far as I know, this is the first book of its kind — with a focus on data science concepts as applied to practical business problems. It is liberally sprinkled with compelling real-world examples outlining familiar, accessible problems in the business world: customer churn, targeted marking, even whiskey analytics!
The book is unique in that it does not give a cookbook of algorithms, rather it helps the reader understand the underlying concepts behind data science, and most importantly how to approach and be successful at problem solving. Whether you are looking for a good comprehensive overview of data science or are a budding data scientist in need of the basics, this is a must-read.”
— Chris Volinsky Director of Statistics Research at AT&T Labs and Winning Team Member for the $1 Million Netflix Challenge
“This book goes beyond data analytics 101. It’s the essential guide for those ............

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