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Dedicated to our students, past, present, and future
The authors of this book want you to live a successful and fulfilling life. We also want to enhance your understanding of our fast-changing world. Because your time is valuable, we have crafted this publication in a way that minimizes the time spent learning new terms, memorizing formulas, or mastering intricate details important only to professional economists. Rather, we focus on the general insights of economics that really matter—those that will help you make better choices, improve your understanding of our increasingly complex world, and live a more satisfying life.
Regardless of your current knowledge of economics, this book will provide you with important insights. It is concise, thoughtfully organized, and reader-friendly. It introduces the basic principles of economics, which primarily reflect common sense. The book then puts the principles to work, demonstrating their power to explain real world events and improve our personal decision-making.
The book explains why some nations prosper and others do not. The political process is examined and differences between government and market allocation investigated. Even advanced students of economics and business will find this book valuable because it pulls together the “big picture.” You can temporarily set aside the complex formulas, sophisticated models, and technical mathematics of the profession and concentrate on the economic principles that attracted you to economics in the first place.
You will be introduced to a ............

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