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CASE IN POINT 10th edition
Complete Case Interview Preparation
Copyright ©2018 Burgee Press
P.O. Box 60137 Santa Barbara CA 93160
All rights reserved.  
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except brief excerpts for the purpose of review, without written permission of the publisher. As with all case questions, we assume facts not in evidence, as well as generous assumptions. Recognizable companies are used as examples because of the power of their brands and their public familiarity. Information concerning the actual companies cited as examples may not be accurate. This information was based on research but should not be used as reliable up-to-date data.  
ISBN: 978-0-9863707-4-8
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Case in Point: Complete Case Interview Preparation / Marc P. Cosentino – 10th ed.
Library of Congress Card Number 2001117521
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing 1999 – Second Edition 2001 – Third Edition 2004 – Fourth Edition 2005 –
Fifth Edition 2007 – Sixth Edition 2009 – Seventh Edition 2011 – Eighth Edition 2013 –
Ninth Edition 2016 – Tenth Edition 2018
MBA Analytica
Published by Burgee Press, Santa Barbara, California

Secret to success – consulting case interviews. In graduate school I browsed many books on consulting case interview preparation. This was the only book I read. The clear, consistent way of thinking through how to manage case interviews made sense. Rather than focusing on formulas, frameworks (e.g., Porter’s Five Forces), or just examples, Cosentino classifies cases into sensible categories and coaches the student through how to think about answering. Additionally, he gives valuable tips on how to get comfortable in the interview. The true proof, however, was that I interviewed with the two top strategy consulting firms and received offers from both. I would highly recommend this book to anyone considering interviewing with top strategy consulting firms.

Outstanding prep for case interviews. Case in Point is in my view the best book of its type on the market. The top firms vary their cases from interviewer to interviewer; Cosentino’s book provides a good system for tackling any case that you’re presented. This book got me extremely well-prepared for my interviews. I just received a summer associate offer from what’s arguably the top consulting firm, despite my non-business background.

As a self-proclaimed “casehead” ............

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