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an indebted to a number of people who have helped and encouraged me in writing of this book; if it could have been completed without their assistance, it would have certainly b een a far le s ser work. Fir st and foremo st, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the many booksellers I have interviewed, often at length, whose “tales” form the fabric of this book. A varied and diverse group of individuals,they were uniformly generous in sharing with me their insights into bookselling and booksellers, and their passion and enthusiasm for books in all their forms, from the most modest to the rarest.
Therefore, for answering my many questions, effecting introductions, providing photographs, and suggesting research leads, I am particularly grateful to the following (some now sadly deceased), whose names are given in the order of the chapters that they appear in: Andrew McGeachin, John Sprague, Mark James,and Javier Molina; John Crichton, John Windle, the late Jeffrey Thomas, Thomas A. Goldwasser, and Chris Loker; Clark Kepler;John Durham, Mike Pincus, Richard McLaughlin, Joe Machione,Ivan Stormgart, Mark Post, and Alfonso Vijil; Joe Luttrell;Scott Harrison and Alan Beatts; Byron Spooner; Andy Ross and Gary Cornell; Steve Fletcher and Carl Croft; Neal Sofman and Itzhak Volansky; Michael and Sandra Good;Andrew McKinley and Peter Limnios; Roger A. Wicker, Jerry Derblich, Alice Hoffman Erb, and Lauren Swan McIntosh; Tom Haydon, Nicky Salan, Tracy Wynne, and Mark Ezarik; the late Allan Milkreit; and Tom Baldwin.
My gratitude is also due to the following, who variously gave generously of their hospitality, research assistance,and photographic resources: Jung Chang and Jon Halliday,Pu Zhang, Justin G. Schiller, Judy Bernhard, Gary Stollery,David and Caroline Brass, Robert Shepherd, Stephen J. Gertz, David Streitfeld, Joe and Cara Herman, Chris Hannon, Zo

Zeitlin, Ian Jackson, and Paul Yamazaki.
I am especially obliged to Asa Peavy, formerly the librarian of the Book Arts and Special Collections Center at the San Francisco Public Library, for his kind help during the years that I have relied upon the SFPL Special Collections for my research and writing, and for guiding me through the treasures under his care, sharing his profound knowledge of them. George K. Fox, Bruce MacMakin, and Greg Jung of PBA Galleries have happily made their archival resources available to me, which have been of the greatest help in the preparation of this work.The d ............

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