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The History of a Heart
Guy de Maupassant
莫泊桑(法)  著
赵阳平  田园  辛华  译
北京 Beijing
Chinese translation copyright © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
No. 19 Xisanhuan Beilu
Beijing, China 100089
目 录
Chapter 1  The Home by the Sea

第一章  海边的家
Chapter 2  Happy Days

第二章  幸福的日子
Chapter 3  M. de Lamare

第三章  德拉马尔子爵
Chapter 4  Marriage and Disillusion

第四章  婚姻和幻灭
Chapter 5  Corsica and a New Life

第五章  科西嘉和新生活
Chapter 6  Disenchantment

第六章  梦的觉醒
Chapter 7  Jeanne's Discovery

第七章  让娜的发现
Chapter 8  Maternity

第八章  母性
Chapter 9  Death of La Baronne

第九章  男爵夫人之死
Chapter 10  Retribution

第十章  报应
Chapter 11  The Development of Paul

第十一章  保罗的成长
Chapter 12  A New Home

第十二章  一个新家
Chapter 13  Jeanne in Paris

第十三章  让娜在巴黎
Chapter 14  Light at Eventide

第十四章  黄昏之光
Chapter 1  The Home by the Sea  
第一章  海边的家  
The weather was most distressing. It had rained all night. The roaring of the overflowing gutters filled the deserted streets, in which the houses, like sponges, absorbed the humidity, which penetrating to the interior, made the walls sweat from cellar to garret. Jeanne had left the convent the day before, free for all time, ready to seize all the joys of life, of which she had dreamed so long. She was afraid her father would not set out for the new home in bad weather, and for the hundredth time since daybreak she examined the horizon. Then she noticed that she had omitted to put her calendar in her travelling bag. She took from the wall the little card which bore in golden figures the date of the current year, 1819. Then she marked with a pencil the first four columns, drawing a line through the name of each saint up to the 2d of May, the day that she left the convent. A voice outside the door called "Jeannette." Jeanne replied, "Come in, papa." And her father entered. Baron Simon-Jacques Le Perthuis des Vauds was a gentleman of the last century, eccentric and good. An enthusiastic disciple of Jean Jacques Rousseau, he had the tenderness of a lover for nature, in the fields, in the woods and in the animals. ............

书籍《一生》 - 插图1


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