ToyotaProductionSystem_BeyondLarge-Scale.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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Toyota Production System
Toyota Production SystemBeyond Large-Scale ProductionTaiichi Ohno
Foreword by Norman Bodek
Table of ContentsPublisher's Foreword . . . . . . . . . . ix Preface to the English Edition . . . . . . . xiii A Comment on This Book . . . . . . . . xvii A Note on Japanese Names . . . . . . . . xix 1Starting from Need . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Oil Crisis Opened Our EyesSlow Growth Is Scary"Catch Up with America"Just-In-TimeUsing a Common-Sense IdeaGive the Machine IntelligenceThe Power of Individual Skill and TeamworkCost Reduction Is the GoalThe Illusion ofJapanese IndustryEstablishing a Production FlowProduction LevelingIn the Beginning, There Was NeedA Revolution in Consciousness Is Indispensable2Evolution of the Toyota Production System . . . 17 Repeating Why Five TimesComplete Analysis of WasteMy Plant-First PrincipleWriting the Standard Work Sheet YourselfTeamwork Is EverythingThe Skill of Passing the BatonAn Idea from the U.S. SupermarketWhat Is Kanban?Incorrect Use Causes Problems
The Talent and Courage to Rethink What We Call Common SenseEstablishing the Flow Is the Basic ConditionUse Your Authority to Encourage ThemMountains Should Be Low and Valleys Should Be ShallowChallenge to Production LevelingProduction Leveling and Market DiversificationKanban Accelerates ImprovementsCarrying Carts as KanbanThe Elastic Nature of Kanban3Further Development . . . . . . . 45 An Autonomic Nervous System in the Business OrganizationProvide Necessary Information When NeededThe Toyota-Style Information SystemFine AdjustmentCoping with ChangesWhat Is True Economy?Re-Examining the Wrongs of WasteGenerate Excess CapacityThe Significance of UnderstandingUtilizing the Full Work SystemDo Not Make a False ShowRequired Numbers Are All-ImportantThe Tortoise and the HareTake Good Care of Old EquipmentLook Straight at the Reality0.1 Worker Is Still One WorkerManagement by NinjutsuIn an Art Form, Action Is RequiredAdvocating Profit-Making Industrial EngineeringSurviving the Slow-Growth Economy4Genealogy of the Toyota Production System . . 75 A Global World Around UsTwo Extraordinary CharactersLearning from the Unyielding SpiritToyotaism with a Scientific and Rational NatureProvide Good Equipment Even If the Factory Is Simple
Pursuit of a Japanese-Style Production TechniqueMaking Products That Have ValueA Chessplayer's ViewIn Search of Something JapaneseWitnessing a Dialectic Evolution5The True Intention of the Ford System . . . . 93 The Ford S ............

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