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Praise for The Manager’s Path
The Manager’s Path
gives the big picture perspective on what a career in engineering management looks like. Camille provides very tactical advice for each career stage. And because engineering managers have a great responsibility to their reports to learn how to manage well, you should read this book and learn how it is done.
This book is a practical guide to understanding and pursuing a career in Engineering Management
Liz Crawford, Entrepreneur in Residence, Genacast Ventures; former CTO, Birchbox
As Camille says in Chapter 5, “This book is for engineering managers. It’s not a generic management book.” Without hesitation I recommend this book for literally everyone who works in or around software engineering, at whatever level, whether or not you believe management is for you.
In software engineering we often treat management as something between a fate to be avoided, an obstacle, and a reward for being the loudest person in the room. Is it a surprise that most of us have experienced poor management and we struggle, as an industry, to bring managers up to a level slight better than worse-than-useless? Camille’s book teaches us how to clear this bar by a considerable margin. She starts from where we all start, as a human who is being managed, and works upward from that common ground. Camille is one of the great engineering leaders in our industry. Her advice is both practical and profound. While I wish I’d had this book earlier in my career, I’m grateful to have it now.
Kellan Elliot-McCrea, SVP Engineering, Blink Health; former CTO, Etsy
I’ve learned more from Camille about engineering leadership than almost anyone. Her writing is a fantastic help to both new and experienced managers, thinking through not just how to get the job done, but how to find the best approach for both the business and the people. This will be a book I recommend
to all managers for years to come.
Marc Hedlund, CEO, Skyliner; former VP Engineering at Stripe and Etsy
The Manager’s Path
A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change
Camille Fournier
The Manager’s Path
by Camille
Copyright © 2017 O’Reilly Media. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc.
, 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
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