TheAmericans_TheDemocraticExperience - (EPUB全文下载)

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BOOKS BY DANIEL J. BOORSTIN*Hidden History*The Discoverers*Democracy and Its Discontents*  *  *
The Americans: The Colonial ExperienceThe Americans: The National ExperienceThe Americans: The Democratic Experience*  *  *
The Mysterious Science of the LawThe Lost World of Thomas JeffersonThe Genius of American PoliticsAmerica and the Image of EuropeThe Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in AmericaThe Decline of RadicalismThe Sociology of the AbsurdThe Chicago History of American Civilization (27 vols.; editor)American Primer (editor)American Civilization (editor)*  *  *
for young readersThe Landmark History of the American PeopleVol. I: From Plymouth to AppomattoxVol. II: From Appomattox to the Moon
FOR Ruth
In 1868, as the first transcontinental railroad was nearing completion, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., predicted the impending transformation of American experience:
“Here is an enormous, an incalculable force … let loose suddenly upon mankind; exercising all sorts of influences, social, moral, and political; precipitating upon us novel problems which demand immediate solution; banishing the old, before the new is half matured to replace it; bringing the nations into close contact before yet the antipathies of race have begun to be eradicated; giving us a history full of changing fortunes and rich in dramatic episodes. Yet, with the curious hardness of a material age, we rarely regard this new power otherwise than as a money-getting and time-saving machine…. not many of those … who fondly believe they control it, ever stop to think of it as … the most tremendous and far-reaching engine of social change which has ever either blessed or cursed mankind … Perhaps if the existing community would take now and then the trouble to pass in review the changes it has already witnessed it would be less astounded at the revolutions which continually do and continually must flash before it; perhaps also it might with more grace accept the inevitable, and cease from useless attempts at making a wholly new world conform itself to the rules and theories of a bygone civilization.”
The century after the Civil War was to be an Age of Revolution—of countless, little-noticed revolutions, which occurred not in the halls of legislatures or on battlefields or on the barricades but in homes and farms and factories and schools and stores, across the landscape and in the air—so little noticed because they came so swiftly, because they touched Americans everywhere and every day. N ............

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