1963-TheManintheHighCastle - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Man in the High Castle
by Philip K. Dick
To my wife Anne, without whose silence
This book would never have been written.
version of the I Ching or Book of Changes used and quoted in this
novel is the Richard Wilhelm translation rendered into English by Cary F.
Baynes, published by Pantheon Books, Bollingen Series XIX, 1950, by the
Bollingen Foundation, Inc., New York.
haiku on page 45 is by Yosa Buson, translated by Harold G. Henderson, from the Anthology of Japanese Literature , Volume
One, compiled and edited by Donald Keene, Grove Press, 1955, New York.
waka on page 128 is by Chiyo, translated by Daisetz T. Suzuki, from Zen and Japanese Culture , by Daisetz T.
Suzuki, published by Pantheon Books, Bollingen Series LXIV, 1959, by the
Bollingen Foundation, Inc., New York,
have made much use of The Rise and Fall of the Third
Reich, A History of Nazi Germany , by William L.
Shirer, Simon and Schuster, 1960, New York; Hitler, a
Study in Tyranny , by Alan Bullock, Harper, 1953, New
York; The Goebbels Diaries, 1942-1943 , edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner, Doubleday
Company, Inc., 1948, New York; The Tibetan Book of the
Dead , compiled and edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz,
Oxford University Press, 1960, New York; The Foxes of
the Desert , by Paul Carell, E.P. Dutton
Company, Inc., 1961, New York. And I owe personal thanks to the eminent Western
writer Will Cook for his help with material dealing with historic artifacts and
the U.S. Frontier Period.
a week Mr. R. Childan had been anxiously watching the mail. But the valuable
shipment from the Rocky Mountain States had not arrived. As he opened up his
store on Friday morning and saw only letters on the floor by the mail slot he
thought, I'm going to have an angry customer.
himself a cup of instant tea from the five-cent wall dispenser he got a broom and
began to sweep; soon he had the front of American Artistic Handcrafts Inc.
ready for the day, all spick and span with the cash register full of change, a
fresh vase of marigolds, and the radio playing background music. Outdoors along
the sidewalk businessmen hurried toward their offices along Montgomery Street.
Far off, a cable car passed; Childan halted to watch it with pleasure. Women in
their long colorful silk dresses . . . he watched them, too. Then the phone
rang. He ............

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