TheViewfromtheVue - (EPUB全文下载)
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The View from the Vue
Larry Karp
Introduction: An Overview of The Vue
1. Don’t Go Away Mad
2. It’s Hard to Get Good Help Nowadays
3. Of Bums and Camel Drivers
4. The Chicken-Soup-for-Lunch Bunch
5. Gays, Too, Came to The Vue
6. Marriages Are Made in Heaven
7. Things Ain’t Always What They Seem
8. The Healing of John the Baptist
9. I’d Rather Be Lucky Than Good
10. The Dumping Syndrome
11. A Receptacle for All Purposes
12. You Rape ’Em, We Scrape ’Em
13. Come Quick, Doc, He’s Dead
14. All the Monkeys Weren’t in the Zoo
15. Visitations at The Vue
16. A Blood Brotherhood
17. They Shall Beat the Interns into Pruning Hooks
18. And Gladly Did They Learn
19. Internship Is Fun and Good for You
20. Everything’s Up-to-Date at the Vue
One day in the autumn of 1958, I went for an interview to New York University School of Medicine. N.Y.U.’s major affiliated teaching facility was (and still is) Bellevue Hospital. During the course of my interview, the Dean asked me why I wanted to go to medical school. I told him:
I want to be a doctor because then I’ll have an acceptable excuse to talk and listen to unusual people for the rest of my life. I want to come to Bellevue because I think that’s where they have more unusual people than anywhere else in the world.
The Dean cleared his throat, and I jumped out of my chair. But then I saw the corners of his mouth flickering upward, and I heard him say:
You know, we get pretty weary of hearing one applicant after the other say he wants to become a doctor so that he can help suffering humanity. You are either terribly honest or terribly inventive. Either way, you’re so far out I feel you can’t help but succeed.
I thanked the Dean and went home. My letter of acceptance arrived three days later.
So, I went to Bellevue. During the next six years, as medical student, intern, and resident physician, I watched in gratified amazement as great giant hordes of peculiar individuals acted out their scenes before me. I had been right: there seemed to be something in those dingy wards and hallways that brought out the exceptional in the inhabitants, whether they were patients, relatives, or hospital employees.
When the new Bellevue Hospital, twelve years in the building, finally opened a few years ago, alumni throughout America sighed in relief and offered the opinion that life at The Vue would henceforth be very different. But I knew better. It didn’t matter that the physical structure was new, because the ho ............
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