TheSilencer - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Silencer
Mike Ryan
Copyright © 2016 Mike Ryan
This book is a work of fiction and comes entirely from the mind of the author. Any similarities to any person, place, or thing is completely coincidental and unintentional. No part of this book may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the author.
Cover Design: The Cover Collection
Formatting: LK Campbell
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Other Books
About the author:

Chapter 1
London—Nobody could remember exactly when or how long the unidentified man had been waiting in the hospital lobby. It was a busy night and he never checked in at the desk or asked for assistance. It wasn’t until he fell off the chair and laid unconscious on the floor that anybody really paid much attention to him. His long trench coat had covered up the gunshot wound to his stomach, but his white shirt had now turned red thanks to being soaked in blood for a few hours. He was immediately taken to the emergency room and put on the operating table. The doctors needed to take the bullet out and stop the bleeding as soon as possible. After an hour of surgery, the doctors successfully removed the bullet. Luckily for the man, no major organs had been hit, other than a very minor graze to part of his liver. Once he was done getting stitched up, he was wheeled to the fifth floor and a private room for his recovery.
A couple hours after the surgery, the man had awoken in a considerable amount of pain. He was holding his side and feeling where the bandages now were. He grimaced as he looked around at his surroundings, not remembering how he got there. A few minutes later a nurse came in to check on him.
“Hey!” the smiling nurse greeted. “Nice to finally see you awake.”
“Hi,” the man replied.
“How you feeling?”
“I’ve had better days.”
“Yeah, I bet. My name’s Kelly. Can I get you anything?”
“Yeah. My release papers.”
She laughed. “That might take a little while.”
“I can’t stay here,” he told her.
“Why? You in some sort of trouble? Is that what the gunshot was from? Somebody after you? I can get the police here for you.”
“No. Don’t call the police.”
Kelly looked at him a little strangely. The police would be there anyway, but usually the people that came in there that didn’t wan ............

书籍《TheSilencer》 - 插图1


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