ThePlayerontheOtherSide - (EPUB全文下载)
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The Player on the Other Side
Ellery Queen
Irregular Opening
Chapter 1 · Y’s Gambit He had written:
Dear Walt:
You know who I am.
You do not know that you know.
You shall.
I write this to let you know that I know who you really are. I know the skill of your hands. I know the quality of your obedience. I know where you come from and what you are doing. I know what you think. I know what you want. I know your great destiny.
I like you.
Walt knelt with the sun on his back and the hard sharp bronze letters imprinting his knees, TH on the left knee, RK on the right. He watched his hands, whose skill was known
was known!
to someone else.
{Who?) . . .
Watched his hands trimming the grass around the bronze plaque.
Three left fingers pressed the shorn blades gently away while the finger and thumb felt out the shallow, narrow channel; and deftly, how deftly, the right hand wielded the turf hook, making a margin clean as a moon. Did anyone know that Walt had made the turf hook himself?
would anyone admire its right-hand bevel below, its left-hand bevel above? Who would applaud the creation
who but the creator? And wasn’t that enough?
It had been enough. Walt shifted gingerly from the toothed serifs of the memorial plaque and set his knees carefully under in living memory, with the small of between them. It had been enough just knowing he was doing his job perfectly.
So perfectly, in fact, that in the York matrix of four strange castles and a private park he existed like an invisible mend.
It may be that Walt had numbly wished to be known and noticed; he could not recall such a wish, but he must have wished it. For years he had been contained and content within his own quiet excellence, patient as a pupa. But now . . .
“ . . . I know who you really are. I like you.”
It was troubling.
Had Walt ever read Bernard Shaw (he had not), he might have been pleased with the line, “When you have learned something, my dear, it often feels at first as if you had lost something.” It would have given flesh to this queer unsettled feeling, together with the comfort that he was not alone in feeling it. He had not truly known how desperate his need had been to have someone say to him, I
like you.
Only now that it was said, he did not know what to do with it.
* * *
A shadow crossed his clever hands. Walt did not look up. There was no necessity. To look up would have been to see Robert York
black homburg, suit hard and gray as iron, waistcoat like an old mint c ............
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