SuicidebySugar - (EPUB全文下载)

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by SugarA Startling Look at Our
#1 National AddictionNancy Appleton, PhDG.N. Jacobs
ContentsINTRODUCTION, 1 1. CONFESSIONS OF A SUGARHOLIC, 3 Addicted From an Early Age, 4 Time for a Change, 5 Inset: Just A Sweet Tooth or a Sugar Addiction?, 6 Sugar by Any Other Name is just as Troublesome, 10 2. 140 REASONS WHY SUGAR Is RUINING YOUR HEALTH, 13 3. HOMEOSTASIS: THE BALANCE IN THE BODY, 21 Balance Does Not Mean a Candy Bar in Each Hand, 21 Sugar Can Throw Off Homeostasis, 22 Inset: Minerals: Yes, They Are Important, 23 Sugar's Unbalancing Act, 26 4. WHAT SUGAR CAN DO TO YOUR BLOOD GLUCOSE IS No SWEET MATTER, 29 Glycemix Index and Glycemic Load, 29 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and Alternatives, 37 5. SUGAR AND THE FOOD WE EAT, 41 The Hard Facts About Soft Drinks, 42 Inset: Are You Overweight? Find Out!, 44 Ensure is Anything But a Sure Thing, 47 Inset: Another Meal Substitute: Intravenous Feeding, 50 Inset: Your Goose is Overcooked, 53 More than a Spoonful of Sugar in Processed Foods, 56 Chocolate Goodness???, 59 Inset: Fructose Roulette, 60
6. SUGAR-RELATED DISEASES AND CONDITIONS, 71 Obesity: The Fattening of America, 72 Hypoglycemia: Low Blood Sugar Does Not Mean Eat More Sugar, 79 Inset: Sugar is Not a Toy, 82 Metabolic Syndrome: Tough Subject, Easy Answer, 88 Dementia: Rotting Teeth, Rotting Brain, 93 Cancer: A Cancer Answer, 96 Epilepsy: Sweet Seizure, 100 Inset: Faraway Places, 101 7. A PRACTICAL PLAN FOR RIGHT Now, 107 Breaking the Sugar Addiction, 109 Tips for Healthy Living, 110 Homeostasis Testing, 111 Food Plans, 111 Healthy Eating Habits, 118 Recipes to Tame Your Sweet Tooth, 119 CONCLUSION: A SWEET ENDING WITHOUT SUGAR, 129 Glossary, 131 Resources, 141 Recommended Reading, 149 Notes, 151 About the Authors, 169 Index, 171 Order Forms, 177
Other Titles by Nancy AppletonThe Curse of Louis PasteurHealthy BonesLick the Sugar HabitLick the Sugar Habit Sugar CounterStopping Inflammation (with G.N. Jacobs)
This book is dedicated to all
the people who have not found answers
to their health problems.And also, to my children Laurie and Greg,
who have loved me and accepted, supported,
and followed my health ideas.
They have been blessings in my life.- N.A.-
Introductionou are about to venture on a journey about sugar, its effects on
your body, and what you can do to change your habits. Some of
the information you'll pick up along this journey will shock you,
other information will enlighten y ............

书籍《SuicidebySugar》 - 插图1
书籍《SuicidebySugar》 - 插图2


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