TheUntetheredSoul - (EPUB全文下载)

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About the Author
Michael A. Singer received a master’s degree in economics from the University of Florida in 1971. During his doctoral work, he had a deep inner awakening and went into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditation. In 1975, he founded Temple of the Universe, a now long-established yoga and meditation center where people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience inner peace. Through the years, Singer has made major contributions in the areas of business, the arts, education, health care, and environmental protection. He has previously authored two books on the integration of Eastern and Western philosophy: The Search for Truth and Three Essays on Universal Law: Karma, Will, and Love.
Additional Teachings by the Author
Go beyond the book—continue your journey with additional teachings by Michael A. Singer. Visit where lectures on spiritual growth are available on audio CD.
About the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Noetic Books is an imprint of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which was founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. IONS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research, education, and membership organization whose mission is advancing the science of consciousness and human experience to serve individual and collective transformation. “Noetic” comes from the Greek word nous, which means “intuitive mind” or “inner knowing.” Noetic sciences further the explorations of conventional science through rigorous inquiry into those aspects of reality—such as mind, consciousness, and spirit—that include but go beyond physical phenomena. Our primary program areas include integral health and healing, extended human capacities, and emerging worldviews. The specific work of the institute includes the following:
Sponsorship of and participation in research
Publication of the quarterly magazine Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness
The monthly membership program, Shift in Action, and its associated website,
Presentation and cosponsorship of regional and international workshops and conferences
The hosting of residential seminars and workshops at its on-­campus retreat facility, located on 200 acres forty-five minutes north of San Francisco
The support of a global volunteer network of community groups
Forthcoming titles from Noetic Books, copublished with New Harbinger Publications, include Living Deeply and the Living Deeply DVD companion.
For more information on the institute an ............

书籍《TheUntetheredSoul》 - 插图1
书籍《TheUntetheredSoul》 - 插图2


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