Nemesis - (EPUB全文下载)

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LOCKE BRANCH  3 9100 02577 356 8  ' DUE DATE  DUE DATE  OCT 03.  mY te.  Li-ba/7  
I've travelled the world twice over, Met the famous: saints and sinners, Poets and artists, kings and queens, Old stars and hopeful beginners,  I've been where no-one's been before, Learned secrets from writers and cooks All with one library ticket To the wonderful world of books.  © JANICE JAMES.  
NEMESIS   A letter from a dead friend promises Miss Marple a large reward for investigating a crime without tell-ing her who was involved, or when it happened! When she accepts, she is given a reservation for a coach tour of historic homes and gardens. She has fifteen fellow-passengers and one of them must know a murderer's  secret...  
AGATHA CHRISTIE   Nemesis  Complete and Unabridged  ULVERSCROFT Leicester  
First Published 1971  First Large Print Edition published October 1976 by arrangement with Collins, London & Glasgow and Dodd, Mead & Company Inc. New York Reprinted 1990 © Agatha Christie, 1971 BriihLi r r IPD Christie, Agatha 1890-1976 Nemesis--Large print ed.-- Ulverscroft large print series: mysteryI. Title 823'.912 [F]  ISBN 854564764 Published by IF. A. Thorpe (Publishing) Ltd. Anstey, Leicestershire Printed and bound in Great Britain by T. J. Press (Padstow) Lt.d., Padstow, Cornwall  
CONTENTS          Overture I       2     Code Word Nemesis 2I       3     Miss Marple Takes Action 42       4     Esther Walters 58       5     Instructions from Beyond 78       6     Love xo2       7     An Invitation xx2       8     The Three Sisters I2x       9     Polygonum Baldschuanicum x37       x o   "Oh! Fond, Oh! Fair. The Days That                   Were" x48       x     Accident x7o       x2    A Consultation x93       x3    Black and Red Check 2x8       x4    Mr. Broadribb Wonders 24x       x5    Verity 248       6     The Inquest 26I       x7    Miss Marple Makes a Visit 283       18    Archdeacon Brabazon 3o2       x9    Good-byes Are Said 326       2o    Miss Marple Has Ideas 34x       2x    The Clock Strikes Three 365       22    Miss Marple Tells Her Story 383       23    End Pieces 4xo  
1   OVERTURE  I N the afternoons it was the custom of Miss Jane Marple to unfold her second newspaper. Two newspapers were de-livered at her house every morning. The first one Miss Marple read while sipping her early morning tea, that is, if it was delivered in time. The boy who delivered the papers was notably erratic in his management of t ............

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